I am having a Bad Day today

by KateWild 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • KateWild

    Clarity, it was 7.20am here when I posted before work. It's 9.30 am now I am at work. The girl at work is lovely. I gave her an earful of moaning and she is understanding too. She knows the JWs are a cult now as well. She is a good egg. Kate xx

  • cantleave

    A Joke to cheer you up...................

    A judge asked a defendant to please stand. "You are charged with murdering a school teacher with a chain saw."
    From out in the audience a man shouted, "Lying bastard!" "Silence in the court!", the judge shouted back to the man.
    He turned to the defendant and said, "You are also charged with killing a paperboy with a shovel." "Tightwad!", blurted the man again.
    "Quiet!", yelled the judge who continued, "You are also charged with killing a mailman with an electric drill."
    "Son of a..." the man started to shout when the judge thundered back, "If you don't tell me reason for your outbursts right now, I will hold in contempt!"
    So the man answered, "I've lived next to that man for ten years now, but do you think he ever had a tool when I needed to borrow one!"

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    Knock knock...Who's there? Grandpa. Grandpa who? Knock knock...Who's there? Grandma. Gradnma who? Knock knock...Who's there? Grandpa. Grandpa who? Knock knock...Who's there? Grandma. Grandma who? Knock knock...Who's there? Aunt. Aunt who? Aren't you glad its not those annoying grandparents again.

    PS Kate - check out the latest update to the sex thread.

  • KateWild

    F.UBM, checked it out, very good. I am afraid it's better than your knock knock joke. But thanks for the other posts, made my day. Kate

  • KateWild

    Angus, well done great joke. You made me spit out my coffee at my desk. Sam xx

  • Lozza Aussie
    Lozza Aussie

    Hi Kate can relate to your feelings. Different day same crap. I told someone this little statement and they thought it was funny, talking about roosters. There is a saying that goes Today's rooster tomorrow's feather duster. Meaning a big shot one day and a no body tomorrow, people soon get knocked off their perches quickly.

    Take care Lozza xx

  • Seraphim23
  • quellycatface

    Not All Men Are Annoying.............................................................................................................some are dead.

    Seriously, I feel for you.

    I disassociated my self a week or so ago. After doing thorough research and reading stuff on here. It is a huge shock when you've been "in the truth" for any amount of time. Like finding out that the Queen is an avatar or something.....I have gone between angry (piss & vinegar), calm but exhausted and bloody depressed. It is too much for us.

    You have PTSD. Of course you do. Don't try and feel better, or "cheer up" nonsense. Explore your feelings. Sleep if you need to, cry, play sad songs. Read old letters, look at old photos. I saw a sister I know today and I had to tell her I was DA'd, she knew I had been having doubts etc....BUT she had the cheek to say that she was upset!!!! How do you think people like us feel???? DOH!!!! Just concentrate on you right now.

    Just think you could be on the Field Service now having a really upbuilding time with your fellow Christians. Or tonight, you could be taking part in the Theocrapic Ministry School. You are like a little caged bird, who longs to be free, the cage is open now, you just need the courage to fly out and it will come to you.

    All the best little bird XX

  • Perry

    Don't be defeated. When life gives you lemons.... make lemonade!

  • Bruja-del-Sol

    Hey Sammy girl, here's just a very


    warm, and heartfelt huge

    H-U-G for you

    and a big KISS

    on both yer cheeks!

    Sending you lots of love.

    And always remember that life WILL get better and better, it just takes time!

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