I am having a Bad Day today

by KateWild 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stealth


    I was having a conversation with my wife about what is the most painful experience, for a man to get kicked in the nuts or a woman to give childbirth. I said the former, she said the later.

    After some deep contemplation, I concluded that I was correct because a couple of years after a woman has a child they often say "You know what, I think I would like to have another baby." On the other hand you will never hear a man say "I think i'll have another kick in the nuts."

    Keep smiling! Hope your day gets better.

  • PelicanBeach

    Hi Kate,

    Positive Vibes to you from a woman who has been there. This may sound simplistic, because it is, but the simple things can sometimes bring a little sunshine into our bad days. I found myself totally down after leaving the Witnesses. Once while washing dishes and thinking about my life's problems I looked out the kitchen window and forced a big smile upon myself. That simple act brightened that moment and for me at that time one good moment ment so much to me.

    Many here have sent little bits of sunshine your way, you are fortunate to have so many friends.


  • KateWild

    Bruja, your colours really cheered me up loads, but Bon Jovi and the Eurithmics was toooooo much fun, good job I finished early. I laughed so hard. Thanks Kate xx

  • KateWild

    Lozza, thanks for that forsight. I am looking forward to the day. Kate xx

  • KateWild

    quelly, I loved it thanks xxx funny funny

    Seraphim thank you so much xxx

    Kate xx

  • flipper

    KATE- Hang in there kiddo. Here's a joke that might cheer you up : A man goes to see his psychiatrist and tells him " Doc, I think I'm a dog ! " He starts growling, scratching, and woofing. Doc says, " My you do have a problem ! Why don't you sit down on the couch and tell me about it ? " Man says to Doc, " Oh no , I'm not allowed on the couch. "

    Hope that cheered you up a bit. Hang in there my friend - starting life over anew after exiting the J-dubs is a challenge but remember we are here for you. Take care, hope you have a brighter day tomorrow. Remember the sun always comes up giving us a new start to each day ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Gayle

    Kate,,whose your favorite comedians? Years ago, when I had a 'down' time, I found a series of oldies of "I love Lucy." I always loved her humorous shows. Find some funny movies,,ones that can make you laugh out loud. Humor is great medicine. Also,, when we are stressed, we forget to breath deeply. Force,, gasped that oxygen in you; for body & brain.

    Bruya.. thanks I love that video,,seen it before,,always makes me laugh,,that couple is so adorable.

  • Hortensia

    Confused and alone -- we called them date beetles in Palm Springs, but they are just giant flying roaches. I could handle scorpions and vinegaroons, but I hated those damn giant roaches. My husband said he learned to recognize the particular scream that meant he needed to come running with his shoe in his hand.

  • Oubliette

    Hi Kate,

    Sorry you're having a bad day. It is a part of the process in leaving this cult.

    Hang in there, it gets better and so will you!


    Here's your joke for the day:

    Q: Why'd the chicken cross the road?

    A: To get away from the fucking JWs!

  • KateWild


    I can't sleep, I am so stressed. But you made me laugh. My daughter will like that one. xxxx Kate xx

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