I am having a Bad Day today

by KateWild 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • confusedandalone

    " My husband said he learned to recognize the particular scream that meant he needed to come running with his shoe in his hand."

    To be honest Hortensia I am scared of them too LOL.

    When you kill them all this white gunk comes out... they look like twinkies YUCK

  • KateWild

    yuck are they as big a your foot?

  • KateWild

    btw CAA you did make me laugh when I needed to Kate xx

  • KateWild

    I am tired now, but I just can't relax and sleep. Any idea's?

    It's 11.40pm here in the uk. Kate xx

  • cofty

    This and the next in the series will either fascinate you until the early hours or send you to sleep. win-win.


  • KateWild

    cofty, thanks why not, goodnight xxx

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    A little holiday humor...

    A little girl runs up to her grandma, "Granny, can you make a noise like a frog?"

    Granny: "Stop being silly and go play with your cousins." The girl sadly walks away.

    A half hour later, the girl returns, "Granny, can you please say what a frog says?"

    Granny: "And I said, 'go and play.'" The girl sadly walks away.

    Almost an hour later, the girl comes back pleading, "Please, please make a noise like a frog Granny!"

    Granny: "My goodness, what is this all about? Why do you want me to sound like a frog?"

    The girl enthusiasticly responds, "Because daddy said that when you croak, we get to go to Disneyland!"

  • Oh Gawd
    Oh Gawd

    The Frog joke reminded me of this one:

    Mr. Bear and Mr. Rabbit didn't like each other very much. One day, while walking through the woods, and they came across a golden frog.

    They were amazed when the frog talked to them. The golden frog admitted that he didn't often meet anyone, but, when he did, he always gave them six wishes. He told them that they could have 3 wishes each.

    Mr. Bear immediately wished that all the other bears in the forest were females. The frog granted his wish. Mr. Rabbit, after thinking for a while, wished for a crash helmet. One appeared immediately, and he placed it on his head. Mr. Bear was amazed at Mr. Rabbit's wish, but carried on with his second wish. He wished that all the bears in the neighboring forests were females as well, and the frog granted his wish.

    Mr. Rabbit then wished for a motorcycle. It appeared before him, and he climbed on board and started revving the engine. Mr. Bear could not believe it and Complained that Mr. Rabbit had wasted two wishes that he could have had for himself. Shaking his head, Mr. Bear made his final wish, that all the other bears in the world were females as well, leaving him as the only male bear in the world.

    The frog replied that it had been done, and they both turned to Mr. Rabbit for his last wish. Mr. Rabbit revved the engine, thought for a second, then said, "I wish that Mr. Bear was gay!" and rode off as fast as he could!

  • wannaexit

    Hi katewild: hang in there. There is always tomorrow with the prospect of a better day. I enjoyed the youtube audio with Jwstruggle.

    here is a something that will make you smile:

    a very bright and precociuos little girl was walking with her mom. At one point she asked her mom:

    "mommy why are you so smart". THe mom explained that she had passed the "mommy test".

    The little girl thought about this for a while, then with a big smile said:

    "now I understand, the mommies that don't pass the mommy test become daddies".

    No offense to all the daddies in the forum----out of the mouth of babes..

    this conversation actually happened. Lol

  • nonjwspouse


    If you can't sleep keep searching for fun videos and stories. You'll be too worn out and tired to get stressed tomorrow ;)

    Laughter, is the BEST. Keep seeking it out. Each day is another stop closer to a better day right????? You are so strong, even if you don't feel it right now. You will look back and say "wow" Look what all I went through, and here I am on the other side looking back on it all". You will remain on the top when you keep doing like you are doing. You CAN.

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