Have you put on the "New Personality" ?

by Phizzy 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • thedog1

    By 'bible-based' I am not just using a cliche but showing what the bible suggests we do as Paul mentioned above.

  • fulltimestudent

    A "jw' cultic term or a 'christian' cultic term (which more correctly, it really is) it's still a 'bullsh*t' term.

  • steve2

    I tried and tried and tried to put on the new personality but the old one protested with jealous rage and scared it away. I am trapped with the old "me" I've had all these years. Help! I so want to have a new personality.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    It is a good question. I appreciate hearing other's comments.

    My situation:

    I am good. I was good. My natural personality is... good .

    Normal people (or as WT GB JW.ORG calls them, 'worldly people') are good. Were good. Still good.

    I live in a "Christian" country. In God We Trust. Not... Wait on Jehovah and see if he will take 'care' of you... Or not...

    In more than 1/2 century of me 'needing to put on the New Personality' (NO)...

    Who I look back on as being the antagonist,

    are the very one's spouting to us that we have to change.


    Normal people do not ask you to put your life on hold, so they can get on with theirs------> WT GB JW.ORG<----- Not normal.

    Normal people do not say God owns everything but give us YOUR money----->WT GB JW.ORG<-----Not normal.

    Normal people strive to better their lot in life. If that includes more than a High School education, then they seek out how to get a better education, to fill their needs------>WT GB JW.ORG<-----Not normal.

    Normal people do not dress up their little boys in suits and ties and make them go to the KHall and listen to talks given by adults, for adults----->WT GB JW.ORG<-----Not normal

    Normal people do not tell their children that all their little friends, in fact, all people that are not baptized Jehovah's Witnesses will die, horrible deaths----->WT GB JW.ORG<-----Not normal.

    Normal people do not teach Homosexuality is a sin, and that those 'kind' of people, are disgusting and should die----->WT GB JW.ORG<-----Not normal.

    Normal people do not discuss, let alone, believe Masturbation is a sin deserving disfellowshipping and death----->WT GB JW.ORG<-----Not normal.

    So who is normal, and who is not?

    Who needs to 'change' their personality ... and put on a Nu -One----->WT GB JW.ORG.


  • nonjwspouse

    The dog posted this

    But now really put them all away from YOU, wrath, anger, badness, abusive speech, and obscene talk out of YOUR mouth. 9 Do not be lying to one another.

    and yet this is not what my husband was doing BEFORE strdying with the JW again. It is NOT who he was before he decided he must " put on a new personalirty" Yet, every SINGLE one of those things mentioned he began doing AFTER he was supposedly taking off the "old personality" and replacing it with the "New" one. THIS was supposed to be his new personality? He was horrid! I completely disliked him, and it almost cost us our marriage.

    I have mentioned this to him before and I will again. Thank you for the hard referance to be used.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill


    Unfortunately, your experience sounds all too typical:

    i.e. the JWs get hold of somebody who is essentially a decent sort of person, then comences to screw them up.

    This brings back so many unpleasant memories for me, that I decline to go into details. Suffice to say I still cringe everytime I think about it! (Even 19 years after breaking with that abomination of a cult).


  • finally awake
    finally awake

    My natural personality is cynical, sarcastic, and very very bawdy. I swear like a sailor, and I'm a rather lazy slob. I tried for over a decade to "put on the new personality" and it was a miserable failure. Nothing about me actually changed - I just censored everything I said and felt completely isolated and fake. I don't think I'm a particularly "good" or "bad" person, just average overall - and that's OK with me. I don't feel the need to "work" on my personality anymore, nor do I believe it's even possible to change one's basic nature.

  • Miss.Fit

    This is something I have been thinking about lately. I disagree that born ins do not have a precult personality.

    I think everyone is born with natural tendencies and traits. Many of us had them beaten or guilted out of us.

    We were taught our natural selves were unworthy. They told us up front how we were expected to change. We helped with our own brain washing.

    Now I am trying to discover who I really am.

  • Phizzy

    I agree really Miss.Fit , I do feel that I have always had, and maintained a genuine personality that is my own, but of course to a great degree it had to be suppressed when in the company of most JW's so as not to shock them.

    When I think back to how normal people reacted when they found out I was a JW, "What YOU ??", I cannot have come over at all like most JW's do.

    But having sloughed off any feelings of J.Wism (well,almost), what I do wish to do is become a the best person I can, which is not really a "New Personality" at all, simply improving the one I have got.

    I do now though rejoice because I feel I am finally the real me, the JW me was all an act, though I didn't realise it at the time.

    Many aspects of the J.W cult personality are so damaging and negative that we do have to get rid of them, judgmentalism, homophobia, fear of normal people, attitude to women perhaps for some males who have left, and a number more.

    Once we have done that we must look a bit like a new personality to normal people, if they knew us with the cult one.

  • zeb

    Those who know me respect me and extend love to me. I spent years being corrected and told this was not the way or that. such uttereances were the inane ravings of insecure people who had no other anchor in life.

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