The life differences between a good christian and good athiest

by EndofMysteries 79 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    you are fooling yourself if you think that there is no difference between how a Christian and an atheist conduct themselves. - mrhhome

    I'm still hoping for an explanation for this.

  • UBM101

    Either atheists or Christian, both side cannot proof the non-existence of a deity or the God's existence by logically debate etc. I am for one that is not convinced about the theory evolution etc. I guess everyone has the right to believe what they choose to believe, just please stop ridiculing others if their belief is different than yours. I found that some atheists here are quite rude and hostile towards the believers.


  • abiather

    Actually, atheists are like those who study a wonderfully working robot, and conclude that it is purely material (and they are right because they never saw a brilliant scientist who designed it.)

    Christians, in general, have no motivation to be good because they believe that humans commit sin because of “one man” who was inspired by a woman, who in turn was inspired by a snake. Yet no problem, somebody else has died for your sake, and on the basis of his death, you have the forgiveness.

    Hence both Atheists and Christians are no different—both ignore the SCIENTIFIC Principle of Cause and Effect. And both of them spread, because disease spreads (health does not spread)

  • Laika

    What do you believe abiather?

  • Seraphim23

    Zound it’s the whole package of his death and life that led up to it. It’s the reasons he died and the way he responded and what he stood up for, and critically important is the resurrection after. One simply can’t reduce this down because each aspect plays a part. If someone says they love someone to someone else but never demonstrate it, one would begin to smell a rat and that person on the receiving end will feel unloved. If they feel unloved it is very much the same as feeling not good enough and not feeling good enough is the same as holding oneself as guilty on a deep inner level. In this way sins are forgiven but it’s not legalistic forgiveness. Its indirect forgiveness though love to enable direct self-forgiveness. It’s all about self-empowerment through non selfishness means. The thing with love is that it is hard to pin down. Either people get this or they don’t.

  • abiather


    I believe only experiences. I have found people living a simple life, who are moderate in their sleep, eating, working, entertainment, and thinking, living happily, with minimum diseases.

    I enjoy the journey, not the destination (means whatever you do, do with 100 % involvement—the rest leave it to God, and enjoy surprises He gives)

  • Laika

    Welcome back Rose Mary! I missed you. :)

  • DJS

    Dear Mrhhome,

    Your comments regarding how atheists nad theists behave is not based on the actual data. It certainly is not based on my experiences, which accurately reflect the empirical data below. You say what you want to say, because you feel it and bellieve it, absent any facts or evidence. You are so losing this battle with Cofty; I would suggest a new strategy, R2, Let the Wookie Win. And in this instance, Cofty is the Wookie. I posted this information a few months ago. Deal with it.

    The godless commit less crime, have longer marriages and are more highly educated than almost any other group in America.

    According to Federal Bureau of Prisons data, the number of responding people in prison acknowledging they were Catholic was 39 percent; Protestant, 35 percent; Muslim, 7 percent; Jewish, 2 percent; and godless, 0.2 percent (20 percent did not respond).

    Since the number of godless is estimated to be 10 percent of the general population, all things being equal you would expect their prison population to be 10 percent.

    If, as many people assume, the godless do not lead moral lives, you would expect the number to be greater than 10 percent. The fact that the actual number is 50 times less than expected can lead to only one of two conclusions: either the godless commit less crime than the religious or they’re too smart to get caught very often.

    According to a Barna Research Group report, fundamentalist Christians have the highest divorce rate, followed by Jews and Baptists. The godless are tied with Catholics and Lutherans for the lowest divorce rate. It seems that some groups that claim to follow the Bible most strictly are not putting their money where their mouths are. The godless who are thought to be without morals seem to take their vows more seriously.

    According to a Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life Survey, the least-educated Americans are Jehovah’s Witnesses, followed by black Protestants and fundamentalist Christians. The most highly educated are reformed Jews, followed by Unitarian Universalists and the godless.

    Some groups seem to like their flocks ignorant so that pastors’ interpretations of God’s edicts are not questioned. Other groups prize scholarship and achieve more in their lives here on Earth.

    In fact, a review of worldwide studies found that criminality and religion go hand in hand. The countries with the most religious people have the highest crime rates, highest sexually transmitted diseases and the highest teen pregnancy rates.

    This is also true in the United States. The more religious a state’s population, the higher the crime, STD and teen pregnancy rates. The report does say that the religious are happier than the secular but posits that the ostracism of the latter may be a major cause.

    So what conclusion can be reached? It is obvious that you do not have to believe in a higher power in order to live a moral and successful life. Quite the opposite.

    I won’t attempt to claim a correlation of religion with crime, infidelity and ignorance. However, it is total hypocrisy for those in such groups to claim that the godless are not and cannot be moral. Yet in a recent study atheists were believed to be no more trustworthy than rapists.

    In spite of this easily obtained information, the groups with the highest crime rate, the poorest marriages and the lowest education continually strive to force their beliefs on the nonreligious. And the politicians pander to them. Why else would they pass laws to put religion in the schools and on courthouse facades? And then they wonder why the godless could possibly be upset.

  • jwfacts

    Those who are now you wish you could have the freedom you have now, but still have a hope of an afterlife?

    In my opinion, that is the only reason people worship God. If there was no promise of an afterlife, there would be no religious people. No one loves God, they love the promise of something else after death.

    Whilst an atheist may want to believe, not everyone can believe in something just because they want it to be true. If it were the case, I'd believe in unicorns.

  • DS211

    For me..i love researching both sides....i remember my uber JW MS friend saying that theres no need to observe all the counterfeit money out there cause you have the true currency.....unless of course your currency is the counterfeit.

    my new approach to life is question all things...doubt leads to questions, questions lead to truth. Even Christ said keep on seeking, keep knocking....Ill believe what i want...unless my believe can be proven a lie or untruth...then i move forward.

    dies that make me agnostic? Maybe. I dont label myself. Im just me. if i take an "atheistic" view on something so-be-it. If i find truth in theism i take it and utilize it to make me a better person. I can hope for a life or continuance after death but i wont know for sure till ive died right?

    am i conflictd? Yep. but at least life is interesting and im not out doing drugs and being depressed or killing people.

    One more thing and ill shut up lol

    To me atheists have trouble (perhaps and correct me if im wrong) believing what they cannot see, test, measure, physically verify, etc

    and theists have trouble with what can be measured, verified, seen, touched,--if it conflicts with their i on the right path?

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