The life differences between a good christian and good athiest

by EndofMysteries 79 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    So you are going to make an outrageous assertion that christians behave better than atheists and then run away are you?

    I don't blame you. If I said something as silly as that I would log off until everybody forgot.

  • Comatose

    Not getting a "do over" makes me appreciate life more now. I don't trust that god will save the planet, I get off my ass and help. I don't trust that god can help feed the poor, I donate money and time.

    Really this is another huge subject that can't be covered in little replies. But, I hope to die with my family and grand kids and being loved after living a full life. You guys seem to forget we HAD your SAME hope. We know it. It's not that we haven't experienced it. It's that we consciously decided we did not need it.

  • jgnat
  • Seraphim23

    Cofty it was more than a jumble of words. To love someone enough to die for them means something.

  • cofty

    To love someone enough to die for them means something - Seraphim

    So in your theology, how was Jesus violent death FOR anybody exactly?

  • Seraphim23

    Not sure what you mean?

  • cofty

    You say Jesus didn't die for your sins but it was something about learning to forgive yourself.

    I asked what Jesus death had to do with forgiving yourself

    You said " To love someone enough to die for them means something"

    I asked in what way Jesus died FOR anybody?

  • KateWild

    I asked in what way Jesus died FOR anybody?-cofty

    Good question, I think Jesus was a person who lived a moral life and his way of dealing with people was endearing. Mat 7.12 is great advice and if everyone lived by that the world would be a better place. The fact that the gospels were written says to me this charasmatic man was real. When he died he left a type of legacy.

    As to whether or not he was the promised Messiah and died for our sins that's far fetched. I thought I would join in if I may.

    Sam xx

  • Seraphim23

    The way I see it is that if someone is willing to show someone that they are worth something against their own inner self telling them they are not worth anything, the last resort to prove it is by sacrificing for them rather than just words telling them. People do this in miniature whenever they purchase a gift for someone else, but this is not always enough to penetrate the heart. The ultimate expression is to allow oneself to die as the ultimate gift. Not that the gift is the dead body but the reason for being killed. The reason would be dying for things that promote love. Such things like mercy, honestly, championing the cause of the poor and so on.

  • cofty

    The ultimate expression is to allow oneself to die as the ultimate gift.

    That is truly sick.

    Its on the level of an angst-ridden teenager who kills themself to "prove" his love for the object of his attention.

    "Look how much I love you, I am commiting suicide to prove it"

    You can't be serious!

    Please explain the connection between Jesus' death and the promotion of anything virtuous.

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