Highlights from the Circuit Assembly!!

by DATA-DOG 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LogCon

    Spousal abuse, child abuse, elder abuse, now


  • RayPublisher

    I can't believe you still go to these things... that would make me jump right out a high window Data Dog.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Frankly, I think we pay more attention to the material after "waking up" than we did before, and more than most listen now.

    The last that I was "in", I took assignments that would get me out of having to listen to most of the talks.

    I think that most of the sheeple were busier checking out who was there, with whom, and wearing what, rather than listening to the same talks, again. Of course, most were also planning on what they would do AFTER the program, who they wanted to go to dinner with and where.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Thank goodness that in Australia people aren't allowed to access their 'super' (retirement fund) until the age of 55! Still, there will be all these 55 yo Jws with perhaps 20-30 years ahead of them squandering their super now.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    4) Pioneers are better teachers of " Bible Truths."

    Yeah, than my cat maybe.

    12) Jw's are sending a tremor throughout the Nations.

    Tremors of laughter........

    I was thinking more like bowel tremours. Giving them the sh**s.

  • BluesBrother

    Resurrected this thread, since I dutifully took Sis Blues to our C/A .

    We had this same warning about paintballing, in the "Do not hate your enemies" bit. The reason being that it is considered imitating warfare and millitarism. ??? I don'y know, I guess it depends on the style of the game and the context that is put around it. In principle , it need not differ from a snowball fight or a water-pistol fight, which are harmless.....but I have never done it. The thing that made us both giggle though was that at the end of the demo, they reccomended playing football (soccer ) instead ! This after me being lectured for years at home that football is a nasty violent , tribal , working-class game........ Now it is reccomended for J W youths.....Hee Hee !

  • Rattigan350

    A strange teaching was the demonstration of a bible student telling the teacher that she got rid of all false religious things except a solid gold cross her mother gave her for sentimentality reasons. The scripture in Acts was read about them burning their books regardless of the costs. Then she said she would destroy the cross.

    Destroy it? Why not sell it to those gold buying places that melt it down?

    They resort to the default of Bible scriptures rather than doing the intelligent thing.

  • Pistoff

    "We had this same warning about paintballing, in the "Do not hate your enemies" bit."

    What is wrong in the heads of men who can't see that paintball is a GAME, it's a GAME, for god's sake.

    OOOH, the markers look like guns, it must be WAR!!

  • Pistoff

    1) We must be able to prove WHY something is true. Like WHY God's name is JEHOVAH.

    3) 1914 is scripturally supported. True Christians know this.

    Did they provide any proof for 1914 to help us out?

    Didn't think so.

  • SadElder

    Major lying here on her part. A 401K is not under the control of the boss. The beneficiary or owner of the 401K is the employee. If she wsa not vested yet she could withdraw only the amount she had contributed, if vested she was entitled to all of it. Of course if she took the money before age entitled she would have to pay a tax penalty.

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