serious question for evolutionist,

by unstopableravens 220 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bohm

    unstop: it was alot of guessing and assuming,

    Think about that exact statement the next time you hear someone assert he cannot imagine a dog turning into a cat, or that there are distinct kinds.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Here's your "MUTATION" If you are serious about learning, read.

    Do you drink milk or eat other dairy products? Recent product of evolution... last 10000 years. Nearly 2/3’s of humans can’t have lactose into adulthood.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    I am one of the lucky few who have the superhuman ability to NOT turn dairy products into diarrhea.

  • confusedandalone

    unstopable this makes total sense to me actually. For instance look at the Anakim! No doubt they were the product of evolution. Didn't some of them even have extra fingers and toes. I assume that:

    1. The extra fingers made t easier to carry and swing swords with greater force and accuracy

    2. The extra toes made it easier to balance such large frames in the sands of the middle east. Think about how heavy thier armor must have been! The extra toe would spread thier wieght out over a larger surface area allowing them not to sink to deep into the sand when fighting given them an advantage.

    To bad they were enemies of Israel because otherwise they may have conquered the earth and we would all be atleast 14ft tall by now with 10 fingers and toes on each hand

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am going to ignore the X-men part mostly.

    Changes are taking place, mostly from interference with natural selection. People who used to be stillborn or born with defects that virtually guaranteed their never reproducing are living. Medicine keeps them alive. So more and more babies with something wrong are staying alive to adulthood. Fertility research is helping people that never before would have had babies to have them now. Despite that, people are living longer, because the healthy ones are getting better care. The number of deaf and blind babies is going down because of prenatal care.

    If nothing changes, we will have a healthier species. It's very unlikely that plague or Spanish Flu will wipe out a significant percentage of the population. But because we are keeping the unhealthy alive longer with the healthy, because they are both reproducing, the changes will come slowly. And because we still have new epidemics that are not quite like the Spanish Flu or the plague, AIDS and cancers being the foremost right now, we will expend energy fighting those and eventually see results. (We are already seeing the tip of those icebergs of results.)

    Your occasional baby that can turn invisible or has angel wings (feathers and all) will not reproduce another just like him/her and will not replace the humans that are here now like the homo sapiens did to the neanderthals.

  • Laika

    This thread made me lol. :)

    A discussion on the future of evolution is very interesting, trying to turn it into a discussion about x-men is more funny than interesting.

  • OnTheWayOut

    ....oh, but androids might be programmed to protect humans, and they might realize that the best protection is to not let us reproduce.
    So the human race might be replaced by an android race.

    That is very realistic, much more so than an X-men future.

  • tornapart

    LOL! Unstop, you make me smile. I know you're just winding them up... looks like you succeeded.

    It is quite interesting to consider though because evolution is an on going thing. So it ought to make sense that man won't stay where he is but would continue to evolve in some way. Is man's skin colour some kind of evolution? The closer to the equator man lived the darker his skin and the further away, the lighter his skin. Until globalisation came and mixed it all up within a few hundred years.

    Anyway, the way man's going he'll probably destroy the planet and everything on it and it'll all have to start all over again until eventually the sun dies....

  • DS211

    Did you guys/girls read that article about preserving the human mind into a robot? I saw it on yahoo...interesting. That could be an x-man.

    i started reading an evolution book last may have been the two beers i drank but it was incredibly boring to me :-(...but ill try again today. I think this may be why many believers dont desire to learn the truth about bores the OT.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    that wouldn't be an x-man, that would be a cyborg (= humans with technological modifications). cyborgs will eventually happen, but a natural evolution to x-men? can't see how that would be possible.

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