GODS NAME...Respectfully Address God

by Solace 43 Replies latest members adult

  • Amazing

    I don't use the name 'Jehovah' in prayer. There is no evidence that Jesus ever used the name 'Jehovah' ... rather that is Watchtower speculation and conjecture that he did. Jesus always paryed to his 'father' ... and even his so-called "model" prayer that the Watchtower loves to hammer, the famous Lord's Prayer, Jesus opened with "our Father" ... clearly teaching us to pray to the Father, and not some name pronounced Jehovah, or Yahweh, or anything else. Even Jesus dying words were to his Father ... the concept was to teach us that as Christians we are family.

    The Watchtower religion has merely taken the name Jehovah and embellished it into a part of their marketing package ... to advance their religious cause, and corporate growth.

  • Solace

    I was going to quote a portion of your post that I felt hit the nail right on the head but I would have had to quote the entire post.
    The W.T.S is quite trapped. Without the "NAME" thing, I believe witnesses would have a major identity crises. You do hear witnesses say, when proven they have a false pronounciation, "Oh its not important anyway". Like they are trying to downplay it. Who knows, maybe something is in the works. After all, the society quietly changed the meaning of "generation" without too much of an uproar.

    Yes, I mean really now,
    If Jesus didnt feel qualified to call God by his supposed "name" and respectfully addressed him as "Father, Lord, God"
    What on this earth makes any human think they have the right?
    I too feel very uncomfortable using "Jehovah" in prayer since I found out the truth about the society.

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    Heaven, this is a very serious thread... I wanted to let you know, I'm behind your threads... and btw, Mother's Day is coming, have your buy my present dear darling daughter? :-)

    I'm sure you have many responses that helped you; I just like to call God not only Father, but "Abba Father" as well. And since I believe Jesus is God, I like to call Him My dear Jesus Lord. "MIS DOS". Love,


  • Solace

    Beautiful Mother Yadira.
    There for me once again!
    You are such a kind and loving person.
    The thread being serious, I think so too.
    Yes, it is nice to have my beliefs validated by others. Not that I want everyone to believe what I believe but just having others understand where Im comming from is helpful. I also enjoy different viewpoints but can be a little stubborn when I feel strongly about somthing.

    Mothers day is comming up.
    I would never forget you..

  • LittleToe

    My wife has had a real go at me, because she knows that I have issues with the name "Jehovah", and especially its absence in the NT.

    My personal prayers are to my "Father", which is far more personal. Besides, I've never called my human dad by his first name, so why should I change my practice with my heavenly Father?

  • Billygoat

    Little Toe,

    I think the same as you. I remember one time making my dad really mad by calling him by his first name. I always knew that was the way to catch his attention and annoying the hell out of him. He felt it disrespectful of me to call him that. I did the same thing with my step-mom. I almost always called her "mom" (since I don't know my birth mother), but calling her by her first name would always get her riled up. LOL!

    I think maybe that's why JW's don't have the intimacy with their "loving heavenly father" that other mainstream Christians do. Most Christians look to God as their Father. Calling him "Father" is respectful and yet intimate.


  • SYN

    Well, if God were to post here and tell us exactly how he likes his name to be pronounced & spelled, that would be just dandy and would render this thread quite obsolete. But of course, that isn't happening.

    (Note: This post isn't meant as a stab at anyone's anything, I just feel that God as a concept seems pretty far-fetched! You believe what you believe, and I'll believe (or not believe) what I want. Live & let live, guys...)

    "Until they become conscious, they will never rebel. Until they rebel, they will never become conscious." - George Orwell

  • LittleToe

    I have a lot of respect for you, but can't help replying to this comment:
    "You believe what you believe, and I'll believe (or not believe) what I want. Live & let live, guys"
    So why didn't you just leave the thread alone, then?
    It has as valid a place on the board as the evolution ones have, surely?

    Just my 2p.

  • SYN

    Hi LittleToe (we haven't chatted for ages!)...the reason I invaded the thread was because I also wanted to put my viewpoint across. And my viewpoint is that God is very rude, not speaking to us the way "He" does.

    LittleToe, do you believe that God is a man?

    "Until they become conscious, they will never rebel. Until they rebel, they will never become conscious." - George Orwell

  • LittleToe

    You're right, we haven't chatted for yonks!
    I believe you are welcome to express your opinion, on this thread and everywhere (in other words I didn't feel that your comment was an intrusion). It just brought a smile to my face to see your addendum, as I quoted.

    I don't understand your comment "not speaking to us the way "He" does".
    In my opinion, and experience, God speaks to us in many ways, both directly and indirectly.

    Do I believe God is a man?
    I think you know the answer to that question already.
    I believe that God is the highest category of spirit life.
    I believe that man is the hishest category of fleshly life.
    I believe that this may be one of the ways in which man was created in God's image.
    But, no, I don't believe God is a man.

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