Do you think Born Agains are tired of waiting for the "Rapture"?

by booker-t 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • garyneal


    Is that like the whole earth being flooded, tec? Contemporary world maps were a lot smaller than what they are today. What did every tribe and nation look like to Nazarene fisherman?

    What you imply, if I am correct, is that the 'whole world' was basically the fertile crescent or some small part of it. I held to the belief that the worldwide flood only flooded that part of the world but an interesting question was raised that got me thinking. If indeed only a small part of the world was flooded, then God's convenant with Noah to never flood the 'world' again was broken because we still have floods in small parts of the world. Unless of couse, His convenant only covers that particular part of the world but then it begs the question, was that part of the world flooded again?

    Just thinking...

  • jgnat

    tec, you are a freebasing interpeter. Your garden path is too odd. I daren't follow.

    Excellent point, Garyneal.

    Garyneal, your theory would point to yet another failed prophecy. It's a great story, though

  • Fernando

    As a spiritually awoken/regenerated (born-again) person I have never been very concerned with the rapture and am inclined to dismiss religious (physical/carnal/temporal) interpretations, expectations, speculations and occasional hysteria.


    I am a born again Christian, and no, I am not tired of waiting - in fact I am not waiting for anything but just enjoying my life and blessings. I don't have fear for end of the world either, no fear of dying but I fear the process though...


    As a spiritually awoken/regenerated (born-again) person I have never been very concerned with the rapture and am inclined to dismiss religious (physical/carnal/temporal) interpretations, expectations, speculations and occasional hysteria

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