A mole within the FDS!

by braincleaned 27 Replies latest social humour

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    LoL, Vince! I enjoyed your hair raising tale of the bald boors and the bold mole!

  • tornapart

    I'm guessing you've got lots of hair BC? LOL

  • gma-tired2

    Yes very entertaining remember is in the US are just now waking up and catching up on last nights posts.

  • braincleaned

    Oh it was just a little light fun. I know my humor silly. :D

  • Stealth

    If you get attacked and killed by a she-bear this weekend just know that it is payback from Jehovah for mocking his prophets.

  • braincleaned

    Actually tornapart, I am slowly showing a bald spot... in 10 years, my chances of being part of the GB may become reality.

  • braincleaned

    I love she-bares... Attack, please.

  • steve2

    I can roll over laughing out loud if I find something on this forum funny. One poster - sd7 I think - mimicked the Watchtower's writing style so well that you'd swear it had been written by the Watchtower writers. Remember too that humor is a personal thing: clearly, while I found your style too obviously over-the-top, others liked it. I still think my retort was in itself far funnier than your OP - illustrating how personally received humor is. I'm all for eviscerating the insufferable pomposity of the GB - and there are some absolutely scintillating posts on this forum and elsewhere that do just that. Treasure your fans - tell yourself that, whilst they are few in number, they have excellent taste. Then roll over laughing out loud but try not to curl up and die next time, okay?

  • braincleaned

    I take your input seriously. I agree that my silliness is not to the taste of everyone here. However in my defense, I have been living off my humor for decades, and I do have more than a few fans if you check my Facebook or just google my name (Vincent Dpeorter).
    I made a pretty good living making people laugh — mainly for kids (athough in Europe, I won a rep for adult humor).

    But like you say, humor is a personal thing.
    Ya can't please everyone. ;)

  • braincleaned

    LOL! Can't believe I spelled my name wrong. Duhhhh... It's Deporter of course.

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