Things in the Bible that the JWs don't follow/practice.

by UBM101 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat
  • AlphaMan

    Giving worship to Jesus. I never could figure out why the JW's would go so crazy about giving Jeses worship when it was in the bible. It could also be harmonized with their Jehovah the Father theology. But, when you see over the years how Jesus was phased out and worship given to the Governing really is sickening.

  • rebel8

    damn, jgnat. I thought of that idea and started a book about the same thing. Of course mine was fiction. And hilarious.

  • jgnat

    Oh, this guy is a hoot, rebel8.

  • unstopableravens

    john 3:7 a chirstian is not a christian if they have not be born again.

  • tornapart

    Don't pray to Jesus. He said "anything you ask ME in my name I will give it". John 14:14..... of course the NWT leaves the 'ME' out. (Except in the Interlinear)

  • DS211


  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    Likewise, great concise list of stuff to remind me not to get drawn back in.. I should print these off and stick em in my meeting bag. :-(

  • DS211

    Its amazing how much pull you feel. The disguise of love really covers over the misled interior. Until of course they are challenged then a "stepford wives" moment happens where they seem to almost malfunction. lol

    i wish i could get away with keeping these things in my meeing bag

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Fasting is encouraged in the NT but I've never heard of a JW fasting. Lots of fatties and gluttons and materialism though.

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