by Separation of Powers 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jookbeard

    the brother visiting China on buissness who was seen with a tract hanging out of his back pocket, he went about his buissness without any problems and as he was checking in on his return home a Chineses brother walks up to him and says we were watching you for your entire trip as you could have have been in danger!

  • williamhconley

    1. Jeopardy: Alex Trebeck " The most accurate bible translation"-----what is the new world translation------- correct!

    2. Jeopardy gem #2: " smartest man on earth" - who is fred franz------ correct!

    3. 1 bethelite preaching in N.Y. and entering a barbershop to get a haircut. The barber asks the bethelite what hes doing and jw tells him they're preaching about Jehovah's kingdom. Barber answers and says " yes I know Jehovah, he killed my children in the flood". The bethelite faints. When he wakes up the barbershop is an empty shop but the jw had his hair cut. So a demon gave this bethelite a free haircut then disappeared.

    4. A sister was preaching at a house and the householder tells the sister that she knows who the demons are as they speak to her. The lady added that recently they havent spoken to her and she asked them why. They told her they were very busy as armageddon was near and they were busy working on deceiving the JW's.


  • williamhconley

    5. Johnny Carson became a JW.

    6. Gloria Estefan kicked out JWs before a concert.

    7. Shakira kicked out JWs before her concert.

    8. William Malenfant (heavy JW current WT v.p.) went to the U.N. general assembly and gave a talk about how they will be used by God to destroy false religion. Only JW's will remain. As a result of this Gorbachev lifts the ban on JW's in Russia. ( heard this when visiting a hall in Rhode Island. I told the elder thats not true and said ihave bad attitude).

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Some jw knew a jw who knew a jw who saw the Prime Minister in a restaurant and placed the bible teach book with him. Bono's window washer is a jw (that just could be true).

  • EdenOne

    I've heard many urban legends over the years ... and believed a few of them, actually.

    The "John Denver" one? Yes, but in this case, the artist was Andrea Boccelli, who couldn't sing because the demons were being put at bay by the presence of JW's amongst the audience. Supposedly an announcement was made, JW's called to backstage, their tickets were refunded and the concert went on. This was told to me by a CO, go figure.

    Also heard the one about Annie Lennox being in a demon-worship cult.

    Also heard that every artist signed to the Atlantis record label had to agree to sing/play under demonic infulences. This included folks like Brian Adams, etc. I know many JW's who threw away their records and stopped playing these songs in wedding receptions because of this urban myth.

    Here are two of my favourites:

    This one from South Africa: A couple was having marital problems. Someone told them that they should look for demonic influences within their household. They narrow it down to a painting of two horses that someone had offered them as a wedding gift. So the man goes to his backyard and attempts to destroy the paiting and oddly enough, he is unable to. So he decides to take it to a field and burn it. As he sets the painting on fire and prays to Jehovah, two horses rise from the painting and start running away across the field.

    This one from unknown origin, but possibly from Africa too: A faithful JW woman had a terrible unbeliever husband who opposed her JW routines, beated and abused her. One day, out of the blue, he offers himself to take her to a meeting. Instead of taking her to a meeting, he takes her to the bushes, where he draws a gun and points it to her head and says he's going to terminate her. The woman is kneeling, eyes closed, and prays to Jehovah. Then she hears sounds as if a sword is being used, and the next thing she knows, her husband is slashed to slices by her side. When the forensic police examined the body, they tell her that the cuts were so perfect that no human hand could have done it.


  • jookbeard

    the old aritifacts and objects that could be possessed are really old ones and the stories are endless ,true story from my old man who was studying with a man who had mental health issues and one day he told my father that he had some books on black magic and spiritism so my father told him that he would take them away and dispose of them, but he said everytime he went to throw them away an obstacle stopped him doing so weather a trash area was locked or the local recycling area was full up, he eventually trashed them

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