Proof of a Kingdom Hall being sold to a church!

by Sittingstraight1212 48 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Sittingstraight1212

    It cracks me up if you bring this subject up to a witness , they always try to convince themselves that I'm reading into this!!!

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    My last hall was sold to a Haitian Church.


    The last Kingdom Hall I went to was Sold to a Church..

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  • snare&racket

    The new zealand branch has just been sold to a church to become a chsristian college, the JW press guy said they were glad it was going to a religious group lol i saw it in a news article like 3 weeks ago max.

  • L3G

    It's not that rare. One hall I attended was sold to a church too. They'll take just about anyone's money.

  • ShirleyW

    I posted here not to long ago that here in NYC in the 1970's the Borg purchased an old Orthodox Jewish Synagogue for Circuit Aseemblies.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    So the injunction on dealings with Babylon the Great doesn't apply to them.

  • sherah

    They will buy a church convert it to a KH then flip it (to another church) for MANY thousands in profits esp if said KH is located in a prime location.

  • Violia

    It's been done many times.

    Sometimes the locals take a lot of offense to this b/c of all the free labor and material ( in some cases) they got from brothers and many times unbelieving spouses.

    Some have attempted to present the wts with a bill for the cost of their services and possibly material .

    They feel that as long as it was a KH all was good, it was their contribution to charity.

    However if the KH is sold to NON JWS, some have felt the wts owes them money as they now have Major profit from free labor and material .

  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    This is for the opening poster who also sent me a PM. Sometimes zoning laws dictate that a church or a kingdom hall for that matter sell their land to a proprietor that will use the land in the same if not similar manner as it's already being used. I'm not real estate agent or lawyer, but that't what happened in our case. The Kingdom Hall I grew up in, is now run by some Muslims. The congregation we went in with to build a new Kingdom Hall, sold their Hall to another church because zoning laws dictatated that they had to. I'm not familiar with the whys or hows, but that's what happened.

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