The New New World Translation: What a Blessing!

by breakfast of champions 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • designs

    Maybe Wt. attorneys will read the passage in Court.

  • Apognophos

    DATA-DOG: Personally I think it would be foolish to go rummaging through the pages of the new NWT when we can let the computer do it for us once the new PDF is released. But we'll find out soon enough.

  • EndofMysteries

    datadog - most of the NT had Jehovah added. The OT has YHWH in many sections but not in the NT. As for changes from the old NWT to the new NWT, I haven't compared them yet.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    Indications are that the DSS - which are LXX (Greek OT) - did not initially have the tetragram, but that they were added much later into the spaces that had been left by earlier writers. It is significant in that they did not use the Hebrew characters which were current at the time, but they went back into the nation's early history, using palaeo-Hebrew characters. This indicates they were not read out with the Greek text.

    The WTS does not follow that practice, but instead inserts a non-word from recent tradition of the Middle Ages. The Hebrew text of the Masoretes gave rise to the word when they inserted vowel points into the tetragram, in which they interleaved characters from Adonai into the tetragram.

    The WTS does not follow the DSS, in that its NWT does not insert Hebrew characters into the text. Not that they inserted it consistently; rather, Franz was more intent on supporting a predetermined outcome.


  • Jeffro


    we can let the computer do it for us once the new PDF is released


    Stay tuned...

  • jwfacts

    BOC - Interesting find, terrible that they are trying to whitewash the Bible.

    Data-Dog - All occurences of Jehovah in the New Testament have been added, and were not in any of the early texts. Jehovah in the New Testament shows the Watchtower reasoning behind this. Their main reasoning is based on Bible translations from the forteenth century and later, not on the Septuagint or any early manuscripts.

  • watson

    Just wondering....what would a bible like that cost if you were to purchase it at a book store?

  • braincleaned

    Thanks EndofMysteries. Yep...
    Oops... link doesn't work for me... I'm on Mac.

  • braincleaned

    You know what's ironic DATA-DOG?

    The Dead Sea Scrolls contained apocryphal scriptures. They don't tell you that at the Kingdom Hall.

  • Daniel1555

    What does "save for YOURSELF" actually mean?

    Does it mean just to keep them alive?

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