Not Forsaking Christian Gatherings

by StephaneLaliberte 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wokeup

    Fernando, Witnesses are just following Jesus' command to build religious edifices and dedicate them to their diety.

    Also, he commanded his followers to wear their finest garments at those buildings in imitation of Jesus' example of humility.

    And last, when Jesus sent them out in pairs, he instructed them to also wear fine garments and carry scrolls and read them

    so as not to draw attention to themseves. Witnesses always strive to follow the first century examples set before us.

  • rebel8

    Why stop at the Yearbook? Why not put these fake stories on the convention program?

    12:10 p.m. Do Not Forsake the Gathering of Yourselves Together

    "I starved and thirsted 19 chickens to death for Jehovah" ~ Brother Blowhard's experience

    "I skipped providing food for my family for Jehovah" ~ Brother Wacko's experience


  • FlierMate

    We worship God out of love, and with this great intense of love, we would not expect any favors in return.

    We do not worship God for sustenance and covering, do we?

  • Simon

    We worship God out of love, and with this great intense of love, we would not expect any favors in return.

    We do not worship God for sustenance and covering, do we?

    Then why do religious people whitter on about miracles and blessings etc... so much?

    The truth is they want the imagined rewards.

  • VM44

    "turns out 19 were missing when they came back"?


    Is it being implied that the 19 chickens had vanished and could not be found?

    Perhaps the 19 chickens simply evaporated?

    The experience should have been written like this:

    "A family went to their convention leaving their chickens unattended for a number of days, worried about if they would survive. Turns out 19 were found dead they came back."

    But that would have change the tone of the story.

    Proverbs 12:10 is appropriate here.

    "The righteous one is caring for the soul of his domestic animal, but the mercies of the wicked ones are cruel."

    So those JWs that left their animals to die so they could attend a convention, did they care for the souls of their domestic animals?

    Were they righteous, or were they wicked and cruel?

  • LV101

    W/tower should be held responsible for promoting animal neglect.

  • problemaddict

    Is this for real? They are really pandering to the lowest common denominator. I would love to hear the comments.


  • VM44

    Anthony Morris told this chicken story at a convention.

    Apparently Anthony Morris enjoys telling anecdotal stories that sound like they could have come from the "Weekly World News."

  • AuntConnie

    Stupidity, cruelty to their domestic creatures, & negligence led to them losing their chickens, but noticeably, the Yearbook never even hinted at how they acquired 100 chickens within a year. Did their lottery ticket come up, or did they just stop contributing at the KH for that year?" Good catch Searcher!

    Where does it say that "Good Shepherds or Stewarts" leave their animals behind without food and protection? This story is like a Kingdom Hall where all the pedophiles come roaming around because the Watchtower Leaders refused to post any guards at the gate. What stupid people to interview, it's no different from the same incompetence elders and circuit overseers screwed up on by allowing known pedophiles access to young boys! Pedophiles love picking off little chickens left alone in rooms after the old Book Study arrangement or single parents struggling allowing their sons to go out in Field Service with men like Fredrick McFreak F.B.I. #1 Pedophile. Where do such stupid stories originate from, and what evil parents allowed their kids to go alone in service with pedophiles?

    Did the Watchtower's New Abomination Translation Committee tear out all accounts of shepherds tending their flocks or did Jesus compare himself in their Bible to the Wreckless Shepherd leaving or Stupid Mother Hen allowing her chicks to get picked off by Chicken Hawks or Animals so she could take time off listening to a Herbalife Eterntal Life Presentation?

    I heard a rumor Fredrick was caught, can a confirmation be made on that?

  • Oubliette

    - ecan6: why do they equal attending ALL the meetings with putting your trust in Jehovah? I can’t see the connection.

    Because this is what high-control authoritarian cult leaders demand. It is in fact demands like this that prove that JWs (and any other group that makes similar demands) are indeed a cult.

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