Not Forsaking Christian Gatherings

by StephaneLaliberte 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    After the meeting, turns out that some wind scared the fishes toward their fishing area and they caught fishes using a basket!

    And that's how Bubba Gump shrimp came to be.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    'If you could meet in a private home, why would you endanger your family in a croc-infested river?'

    Because Watchtower doesn't consider you faithful unless you risk your life, and the life of your family, to get to their meetings on their schedule.

  • Comatose

    "Are you planning on coming back to Jehovah by attending the meetings again?"

    I was asked that two days ago. I ignored it. But it chaps my ass for two reasons.

    1. I don't see how Jehovah is equated to a meeting.

    2. I don't get to answer that question truthfully Or I'd be in trouble judicially.

    Anyways, the sheer audacity to actually teach that god rewards meetings and service with miracles, it makes me furious. It's mind numbing and brain deadening. How did I sit through that before?

  • CADSkin

    I was in service when I was about 10 with my mom when a supposed miracle happened. We were in a bad neighborhood with all high chain link fences. As we started to open the chain link gate my mom noticed the Beware of Dog sign and pulled me back from the open gate. The Rottweiler came running around the corner barking his head off. The gate closed before the dog could get at us. Of course it was the spring hinge on the gate that closed it. 2 weeks after hearing this story re-told quite a few times it became a strong wind sent by Jehovah. I’d just laugh but my Mom would just nod her head and say ”It was Jehovah’s protection at work”. Such BS. I heard the same story many times from the platform and always wondered if this was the miracle they were referring to or if it was someone else’s tall tale.

  • sspo

    All religions have the same stories of seeing the "hand of god" in their lives, not just JW's.

  • wasblind

    Hello CADSkin

    The owner had the good sense to put up a beware of dog sign

    and a spring gate to be sure it would not be left open for the dog to get out

    And Jehovah's Witnesses think of this as miraculous ? LOL

  • factfinder

    I don't think my experience is a miracle but it did occur. this was years ago. I was working in a rural area with an older sister. We took turns, those in our car group, getting out to call on a home while the others waited in the car.

    Down a very long driveway was a bar with an Apt above it. Of course we were told to go call on it. As we were walking up the long driveway a man stuck his head head out the door and yelled at us. . It sounded Russian, who knows what he was saying. Probably, get off my property!

    Anyway out from the door came two large dogs running down the driveway towards us. We were scared. I could run to where the car group was but the sister couldn't so I stayed with her. We both prayed to Jehovah and the dogs did not run as far as us. They stopped midway, turned around and ran back to the building and into the back yard. The guy kept yelling at us in Russian or something .

    We did not know why the dogs turned around but we went back to the car group as fast as we could. After telling what just happened we were told Jehovah sent an angel to protect us, the dogs saw it and ran away!

    I don't know what the dogs saw or why they suddenly turned back but they did.

    Years prior a brother got bit by a dog while calling on someone's home. He was not protected but we were.

    Very strange.

  • ProfCNJ

    Factfinder, very strange indeed. Prayers can cause miracles or shall we say strange occurences that human mind will find hard to fathom.

    Sheep-like Christians, including well-meaning JW's (publishers/R&F), may be guided by the Holy Spirit in their preaching work. While it can be said that that JWs are being mislead by those in the top heirarchy for some questionable teachings (e.g. 144K, memorial partakers), false prophecies (e.g. 1914, 1925, 1975. etc.) and unchristian organizational policies (e.g. complete shunning of disfellowshipped ones), God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ know perfectly what's in their hearts. We cannot pass judgement incessantly (Matthew 7:1 ,2).

    If we are preaching the Bible under the purest intentions, sharing particularly CORE BELIEVES about LOVE, fruits of the Holy Spirit (against it there is no law), obedience to God and His Son, I think our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28: 19-20) will find a way to give protection. While not all the time, we can trust in the Divine Will.

  • bats in the belfry
  • Fernando

    Not Forsaking Christian Gatherings

    "Christians" or more correctly "believers" / "disciples" / "followers of Jesus" are encouraged to freely/spontaneously get together anywhere/anytime/anyhow for the purposes of "fellowship" / "communion" (with each other and the father and the son and the Holy Spirit).

    Those who follow the Watchtower (instead of Jesus) fail on so many levels when they go to a special building at a special time to meet for the purposes of consuming supremacist doomsday sectarian religious propaganda and worshipping the VISIBLE golden calf that is the Watchtower organisation (Sanhedrin) and "ruling religious clergy class" (Pharisees).

    Then they lyingly call themselves "publishers of the Good News" who supposedly "make disciples of Jesus" and supposedly baptise them scripturally.

    It is no accident however that the "Good News" according to Paul is not in their hearts and not on their lips.

    Yet more than half the roughly 152 references to "Good News" in their own Bible are by Paul (in the books Romans through Hebrews).

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