So are Republicans now openly terrorists?

by Simon 369 Replies latest social current

  • designs

    Eric Cantor's State of Virginia counts on government contracts for something like 30% of its business, primarily Defense.

  • tootired2care
    Witness the death throes of the Republican Party:

    Good, now maybe we can get a Libertarian political party.

  • designs

    Ted Cruz believes in something called Christian Dominionism, a throwback to the Revolutionary War and ministers who also fought with weapons. Cruz also subscribes to the divine right of Christian wealth as a product of following certain interpretations of the NT. It is another twist on the old Manifest Destiny theme.

  • minimus

    Terrorism is a terrible thing. Republican terrorists are quite scary, just like those crazy Islamic terrorists. Yes sir, once the Republicans became open terrorists, it just ruined the good old U.S. of A! Now that the Republican terrorists have infiltrated the House of Representatives, all hell has broken loose.

    The Republican terrorists have tried to cause havoc in the nation's Capitol. And now that they're not clandestine about it, EVERYONE can see it, even people not from this country.

    Thank God for the sane Democrats are keeping this country on the up and up. God bless America!

  • designs

    mini- Do we hear any of the Democrats in Congress supporting 'Creationism' to be taught in our public schools as valid science.

  • LisaRose

    I am fed up with the Republicans. ACA was passed legally, they can't get it repealed, so the are holding everybody hostage by holding up the budget. I think they are not afraid of it failing, I think they are afraid it will work. Yes, once people get used to having insurance and health care, they won't want to lose it, who would? Does anyone want to have no insurance or health care?

    My husband works for the government, he must go to work even if he doesn't get paid, but we would rather go without pay than cave on the Republican blackmail.

  • Berengaria

    Thank goodness you're finally opening your eyes Min

  • out4good3

    He's not opening his eyes....

    He's being facetious.

  • Berengaria
    He is right. The point he's making is that, once people get "hooked" on government handouts it's almost impossible to take those handouts away, no matter how much sense it makes to do so. Politicians are hooked on "pork barrel" projects, another classic example of taking money/benefits as long as it's free to them while someone else pays the bill.

    Exactly. As I said. People don't usually get "hooked" on something that doesn't taste/feel good. In this case affordable health care. My gosh what a bunch of losers, those working poor wanting to live and all.

    The Pork Barrel argument is just plain silly. It's nothing more than campaign rhetoric.

  • Berengaria

    He's not opening his eyes....

    He's being facetious.

    Shhhh, I know

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