So are Republicans now openly terrorists?

by Simon 369 Replies latest social current

  • Simon

    They seem determined to undermine the US democracy and shut the government down hurting employees and veterans.

    What a despicable bunch, hope they get their asses kicked for what they are doing.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Unfortunately their party is hijacked by those who have no sense of anything coming close to mercy and kindness, its all greed and self promotion. (Good ol' Ayn Rand.) So there you have it and yes, they are fascists.

  • bohm

    I completely agree with wasanelder. I almost feel bad for the republican leaders who now need to explain how this is obamas fault.

    Wonder if some nitwit will tie this into the birther/terrorist perspective.

  • OneDayillBeFree

    Watching the news unfold from a hospital bed doesn't help much but at least it's not the end of the world.

    Also, wtf America?

    my cousin was watching with me and then asked, "does that mean that I don't have to go to school tomorrow?"

  • tootired2care

    I personally thought they should have just fully funded the unaffordable care act with more monopoly money, damn the consequences, and let the dems fully own their terribly botched legislation.

    I understand shock value but don't you think calling them "terrorists" is going a bit far though? Are we going to start throwing that word around like racist now too?

    Do you realize that since 1976 the US government has shutdown 17 times? This is pretty standard operating procedure in US politics when positions are intransigent, and agreements cannot be met.

  • Paralipomenon

    Just as Republicans grumble about Obama and Democrats, Obama is the fairly elected president of the US. As it pains me to say, the GOP members are fairly elected by their constituents and are responsible to them for their current actions.

    If it represents the will of their voters, they will get re-elected when their term is up, I suspect though that this will only frustrate moderate conservatives more. At what point do the negative points of their own party outweigh the negatives of the other side? Even with the current nutty behavior they represent very close to 50% of the nations popular vote but I shudder to think that will last.

    They need to campaign less on how evil Obama is, and promote better policies. Right now they are just throwing a temper tantrum. The majority of Americans are not rich. They need to change their image as the party for the rich and corporations and start presenting policies that help all Americans.

  • Simon

    No, this seems different to previous shutdowns. US politics is breaking down to an unbelievable level of dysfunction.

    Fundamentalists and extremists now don't care what the electorate vote for - they want to force through their policies regardless.

    Holding people to ransom and threatening harm to get your own way is what terrorists do.

    The tea-party *are* now the American Taliban (ala 'the newsroom') ... the Republican party should be renouncing them, not pandering to them. They face future obscurity now unless they reinvent themselves.

    Interesting times ... we get to watch an empire fall. They always fall from within while a massive army watches on.

  • tootired2care
    Interesting times ... we get to watch an empire fall. They always fall from within while a massive army watches on.

    Yes they are. America has been through far worse though, and politics have always been rancorous here. In the not too distant past, some politicians saw fit to settle their disputes with a dual. Maybe they were on to something there...

  • Paralipomenon

    It is an abuse of power for sure, but no different than what Quebec does up here in Canada.

    People actually voted for those clowns. If they are not representing the will of the people, they can be repealed out of office. Though most voters feel impotent, or there are enough that actually support this action.

    As stupid as it is to a rational mind, this is actually democracy "working".

  • tootired2care

    As stupid as it is to a rational mind, this is actually democracy "working".

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