So are Republicans now openly terrorists?

by Simon 369 Replies latest social current

  • minimus


  • Glander

    Appears my post above, concerning a survey of health care comparisons with the US/UK/Canada did not have sufficient bona fides. I apologize and will continue to try to verify my clips. That one got by me. I also do not cherry pick to create a misleading point to a source.

  • DogGone


    Very classy. We are all guilty, from time to time, of relaying info we find out later wasn't what it was craked up to be.

  • ABibleStudent

    IMHO some threads on JWN seem to mimmich politics very well - Hyperbole, disagreements, and some concensus. The world would be much better if people listened to each other better and tried to understand each other's opinion/positions, instead of trying to win arguments.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • BizzyBee

    My ex sends me all these right wing e-mails. I check them out and send him (and everyone else on the list) the results. It's like shooting fish in a barrel - they are nearly all completely bogus and it doesn't take much to sniff out the truth of the matter 'cause they stink to high heaven.

  • Glander

    Good thing to get in the habit of doing.

    I feel strongly about my basic outlook and the last thing I want is to let bullsh-t slip in.

  • Berengaria

    Shirley you are dishonest in the extreme.

    You accused cherry picking in regard to discontent across the board as opposed to particularly Republican. You provided quotes to support your point.

    Now you say the cherry picking comment you made was in regard to the point of the article (gerrymandering).

    Shame on you.

  • Berengaria

    "Democrats also faced a political environment that had swung sharply Republican, partly due to a wave of public discontent over passage of Obama’s health-care law."

    It must suck for you when people actually read the entire article that you post already cherry-picked, Berengaria.

    You might want to reread the article yourself. Unfortunately this line was in reference to the 2010 election, not 2012. Cherry picking.................go figure.

  • BizzyBee

    Anyone who genuinely cares about the accuracy of their posts would make, at the very least, a cursory search, before posting a clearly dubious quote. These things are not at all that difficult to verify. OTOH, one can only assume that, when there is consistently an attempt to 'let bullsh-t slip in,' one only cares when they are caught.

  • Glander

    "Genuinely cares about the accuracy of their posts"...? LOL, drivel.

    The queen of cut and paste left wing blogs who has been caught out several times but never has the class to admit it?

    I am still waiting for the response to your hip shot response to a post yesterday.

    BB - Ms. Laframboise makes her living blogging in opposition to climate change research. As a piece of investigative journalism her article is laughable - read it again - it is full of opinion and innuendo but lacking any substantive information.

    G - Your post is not true.

    What part of her article is false?

    Talk is cheap on the net. Some think it is cheaper than others.

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