When did Theology Last add something to Human Knowledge?

by cofty 92 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • slimboyfat

    Have you ever read The Rise of Christianity by Rodney Stark? He argues that Christian teachings transformed the lives of people in late antiquity. In particular the Christian teaching on love prompted a unique Christian response to the plague, which was instrumental in the rise of the faith to regional dominance. Whereas others fled urban areas during outbreaks, Christian love prompted believers to stay and care for the sick and dying. Christianity also opposed infanticide which was widely practised in the ancient world. It also proved a popular faith among women as it promoted greater respect than pagan religions. Untimately Christianity prevailed because improved the lives of its adherents.

  • cofty

    Maybe so SBF but my question is when did theology LAST say anything useful or even interesting?

    For a very long time theology has had to play catch-up with secular progress in standards of morality and social justice.

    Theology is obsolete. It is a quaint sub-discipline of broader fields of human knowledge.

    Is it not time that universties closed their theology departments?

  • Laika

    Opposition to eugenics and communism?

  • slimboyfat

    Rodney Stark also argues Christianity was instrumental in western success: capitalism and democratic freedoms.


  • designs

    Mitt Romney prays in the direction of Salt Lake City three times a day thanking capitalism for all its blessings.

  • RubaDub

    To be fair, without some sort of theism, I would never have known that the horn-blowing started in Cedar Point Ohio in 1922.

    Rub a Dub

  • insearchoftruth4

    Cofty, maybe you can still get a subscription to the awake magazine, it claims to be eqivalent to a 4 year university degree and instead of Theology they offer new light or understanding, current events like avoiding the internet to masterbation, they even have a video on it, It has subliminal images to make its readers minds go in directions that are beyond the realm of thought. More importantly if you can convince them to use a two tissue paper that is soft so the reader can blow his nose or wipe their stinky, and save the trees. I have written to them about those ideas but they haven't given me any response


  • MadGiant

    I would like to apologize in advance for any misspellings and errors. English is my second language.

    A quick answer to the original question, [When did Theology Last add something to Human Knowledge?], will be nothing since the middle ages.

    “and secondly that god's will is constantly being revealed. He explains that it is only in the last 140 years that we have began to understand that homosexuality is not a choice and so we need to understand god's will for our day in that light.” - cofty

    Now Gene Robinson comments are very frightening. Religion keep saying that homosexuality is an abomination, all knowledge and advances in that field have to do with secularism and science. Religion only adapts their believes as people changes their views.

    Take slavery for example; between 1600 and 1800, during the transatlantic slave trade close to 6 million humans died during transportation, over 10.5 million arriving alive in the Americas.

    The following quotes are form the 19th century:

    "[Slavery] was established by decree of Almighty God...it is sanctioned in the Noble, in both Testaments, from Genesis to Revelation...it has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts."
    Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America.

    "There is not one verse in the Bible inhibiting slavery, but many regulating it. It is not then, we conclude, immoral."
    Rev. Alexander Campbell

    "The right of holding slaves is clearly established in the Holy Scriptures, both by precept and example."
    Rev. R. Furman, D.D., Baptist, of South Carolina

    "The hope of civilization itself hangs on the defeat of Negro suffrage." A statement by a prominent 19th-century southern Presbyterian pastor, cited by
    Rev. Jack Rogers, moderator of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

    "The doom of Ham has been branded on the form and features of his African descendants. The hand of fate has united his color and destiny. Man cannot separate what God hath joined."
    United States Senator James Henry Hammond.

    This one is from the 21st century:

    "If we apply sola scriptura to slavery, I'm afraid the abolitionists are on relatively weak ground. Nowhere is slavery in the Bible lambasted as an oppressive and evil institution:
    Vaughn Roste, United Church of Canada staff.

    Most of those quotes are from religious people. So what Gene is telling me is that it’s ok because, “god's will is constantly being revealed”we need to understand god's will for our day in that light”.

    My guess is that they needed to die or be slaved before god’s will was reveled.

    Take care,


  • designs

    Wilbur Wright and the other early abolishionists had to basically commit heresey in their anti-slavery appeals.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    I've long had an interest in Systematic Theology so I studied some in courses and later read prominent Protestant and Roman Catholic progressive theologians. In my view, theology is the same as any area of academic pursuit. It has helped humans soar and degraded them. Theology and secular politics have a long relationship. Indeed, I met Gene Robinson at the 9/11 Tenth Anniversary services at the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in New York. He shatters stereotypes of the predator gay. I don't see him as a Christopher Street regular in Greenwich Village. He is so refined.

    Dietrich Bonhoffer, Hans Kung, Paul Tillich - the list is endless of instances where theology shed light on the human and spiritual condition.

    I believe that when we first leave the Witnesses, we have a tendency to cast all religion in the same light as the Witnesses. This is not true. Religions run on a spectrum. Soon after I left, I attended church with a friend for social reasons. The minister said as we exited that he hoped he would see me again. Well, I was outraged. How dare he! No church is going to make me attend every Sunday. The Witness experience will not be repeated. I now believe he was merely being nice and engaging in light conversation.

    Within the past year, the WT quoted from a Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal convicted theologian. This is the truly ugly side of theology. The quoted academic was a serious Nazi who used his considerable prestige to mainstream the Nazi party in the minds of Lutherans. He played a pivotal role in the rise of the Nazi party. He was executed. I don't know the factual details.

    It appears to me when secular power and ecclesiastical power are shared by the same entity, bad things happen. This is why I like the American Establishment Clause, which has not been enforced by the Court lately with the advent of right wing justices in the majority. On the other hand, we are only one judicial vote from re-establishing a separate wall between church and state. Coercion and theology do not mix well.

    Dan Berrigan. The list of prominent and wise theologians is long. Sometimes I don't agree with them but then I don't have to agree with them. They don't insist on blind allegiance. To consider Franz in this group is bizarre.

    The Christian Church is the same as any religion. Great deeds and sorry deeds.

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