New Bible Release At Annual Meeting

by lambsbottom 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    the new bible has the following changes.....

    1. all scriptures talking about holy spirit teaching and who the mediator is have been corrected to say the governing body.

    2. In Matthew when it talks about the faithful slave, it will have the restored version found from ancient scriptures and scrolls that says, "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave out of brooklyn, known as the governing body of jehovah's witnesses, whom his master will appoint during the great tribulation but have been known to be the faithful slave since 1914, truly I say to you, all who give them faith and obedience, although not inspired, will inherit everlasting life, to everyone else, the lake of fire".

    3. in revelation when it speaks of new scrolls being opened, will be corrected to say the watchtower and awake magazines, letting all know that they are to be obeyed as much as the bible.

    I'm sure there are a few more as well I missed, if any want to add to this.

  • processor

    Likely they changed the color, instead of black on white the new Bible is printed gray on gray.


    I imagine that IF there is a new Bible, it will have some new features. Perhaps more brackets at "confusing" passages, or key scriptures that support WT dogma.

    Revelation 7:9 "After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd,[ on Earth ] which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne [ still on Earth ] and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches [ palm branches are only on the earth ] in their hands. "

    1 Tim 2:5 " For there is one God, [ comma added* ] and one mediator between God and men [ Not every man, just genuine anointed at World Headquarters ], a man, Christ Jesus, " * No need to compare other translations, ever. DD

  • label licker
    label licker

    OR watch out for Romans 6:7 where their one bible has the brackets in and their same year bible has the brackets out. The same damage is done in Collosians. We have both bibles!

  • Kojack57

    Endofmysteries: That was Funny, but I could see those morons doing that.

  • Bobcat

    If anyone has a copy of the October 2013 public WT: Is that a picture of the new Bible on the cover? (The cover looks grey, but they way it is sitting on the table might make it only seem that way.)

  • Gayle

    Printed Gideon Bible is only $5,,Kindle is higher:

    WTS should not get more than that for each of their bibles.

  • label licker
    label licker

    May it's in the 2013 Dec Watchtower on the front page. In their eyes, the color is more important on the outside than what's in side of it. That's why they change what ever they want to change to suite their doctrines and not care what Yehovah thinks. Think about it, they are like a mummy. All dressed white linen on the outside while the corpse is rotting away on the inside! That is their bible.

  • steve2

    AGM will announce the following: The light is getting greyer.


    However, he did say that there would be a new cover (gray or something like that).

    The Reaction of your Average JW..

    The New WBT $ Bible will..

    Have a Grey Cover!!..

    .........................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

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