New Bible Release At Annual Meeting

by lambsbottom 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lambsbottom

    Hi everyone,

    Talked to a congregation literature servant's close friend today. I asked him what he thought about the "no Bibles" situation. He said the literature servant told him that there will be a new Bible released at the annual meetin. He didn't know if there would be revisions in actual scripture. However, he did say that there would be a new cover (gray or something like that).

    Just passing it along.

  • factfinder

    Thanks lambsbottom!

    I have been wondering why the convention releases were not printed at Wallkill and it seems to me now they must have been using both presses to print this new Bible. The USA, Japan and Brazil are the only branches that produce hardcover Bibles and the US might be the only one that still makes deluxe Bibles.

    A new Bible would need to be published in many languages simultaneously so a new Bible released at the annual meeting would explain what was happenning at the Wallkill printery.

    I hope it is an actual revision of the text.

  • Oubliette

    The literature servant at the congregation I sometimes attend confirmed this, but only when pressed. When I asked him how he knew--there hasn't been a public announcement--we became evasive but re-confirmed that it was not just a rumor.

    He implied it was a fact.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    It's nothing but a revenue earning exercise to raise needed cash for the Governing Body's luxury retirement complex in upstate New York and fund multi-million settlements for more child abuse claims.

  • Fernando

    Maybe a minimum "voluntary" "donation" will be strongly "suggested"?

    Maybe we should be asking our loved ones: "what percentage of your 'donation' for the new Bible will go toward the 'Candace Conti Relief Fund' "?

    What about a reverse witnessing sign at the assembly:

    Support the

    Candace Conti Relief Fund

    Donate Generously

  • nonjwspouse

    yadda yadda I completely concur. It is a revenue enhancement. A rather handy one.

  • NeonMadman

    If people in the congregations are speaking authoritatively and saying that the new Bible release is a fact, I see two possibilities:

    1. The rumor is false (or at least uncertain) and information from apostates (hey, that's us!) is actually leaking back into the congregations and being taken as fact

    2. The rumor is true, and the new Bibles are already sitting at the Kingdom Halls for immediate release after the Annual Meeting program. They did that sort of thing before when Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry was released in an announcement after the spring Special Talk one year. The books were shipped into the congregations in advance and the elders were instructed to tell no one except the literature servants prior to the actual announcement.

  • factfinder

    The revised True Peace and Security book ( True Peace and Security-How to Find It) was also released at the Kingdom Hall right after the special talk in 1986. An elder showed me an open box of books in his car trunk before the talk!

    As I mentioned before, if there is a new Bible it explains why Wallkill did not print the new Imitate book, why we got it from Germany.

    It could be just a new EDITION with a less expensive cover, which would be just a money grab.

    I'm hoping it is a new REVISION.

  • Red Piller
    Red Piller

    A brother in my hall who claims he has second-hand-connections in Bethel also says a new bible is forthcoming. With a "different format". But he doesn't know what the term means.

  • slimboyfat

    Sounds like a cosmetic format revision rather than a revision of the text then. Maybe they'll add an appendix or two. How disappointing and what a lot of fuss about nothing.

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