Please Hear My Confession, I lied to all my friends in the Kingdom Hall! Forgiveness needed!

by AuntConnie 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • losingit

    The fat stores makes sense. I have a 10lb range thats kicking my behind right now. Looks like your hubby has a200lb range, that's quite vicious!


    Great post:-)

  • Fernando

    Them high'n mighty fellas on the 10th floor or some such ain't never gonna do any fess'n - thank God for AuntConnie's help'n hand.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes


    How many fingers am I holding up.

    If I build a confessional will you step inside it also bring your sandwiches it could be a long haul.



  • truthseekeriam

    Love reading your posts!

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Will you please be my aunt, too? Even if I was never baptized? I am a gastric bypass patient myself

    Unrelated... They never implied that the surgery would prevent my being baptized, although...

    The day before my surgery, I got up the nerve to speak to a sister I heard had been a gastric bypass patient. I told her my plans. She mad a horrible face at me, then told me how she almost DIED! Because of some mysterious occurrence, she developed internal bleeding. Because she was refusing blood, the hospital staff was all in a panic and disgusted with her. As the anesthesiologist was putting the mask on her for surgery, he said, "I'm just going to say goodbye to you now, since you're going to DIE without a blood transfusion!!" Apparently, she was sick for a long time and still suffers. As one other sister commented to me, after I'd lost all my weight, "It never did much for Sister Smith..." I was repeatedly disappointed in the "love" these people claimed to have for each other. I guess we were cool, since we had babies, and I was no longer fat.

    anyway, I would have the surgery again in a heartbeat. It was a great tool, although I continue to struggle with food issues. The weight is chasing me, and it always will be a yo-yo for me. I was 340 pounds, and now weigh 175... Which is sometimes 165. I'm nearing the top again, and I refuse to buy more pants... So it's back on the diet I know works for me. Goodbye, cheese, wheat, dairy, chocolate bars and cookies... See you again at Christmas time, God-willing. !!

    thanks for your awesome posts. You are hilarious and provide a lot of encouragement to the people on this forum, wherever they are in their path.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    LOL! You are so funny, I would love to meet you in person and hear your real story. When you first started to post I didn't get it the first couple of posts but then I caught on to your satire. We enjoy hearing from you.

  • rubadubdub

    Chubby Hubby perfect, Aunt Connie. Your posts are a scream!

  • label licker
    label licker

    AC, I will laugh even harder one day if your hubby walks in on you writing another post on him. Is there anything negative you can tell us about yourself? Like what meds are you on? Your hubby takes his meds for his physical girth but honey what about you? Not sure if your popping pills for schitzo or bipolar.

    Going bankrupt twice is short of a winfall, don't you think? Maybe it's time you get your lazy butt out the door and work alittle harder like the rest. Come join the working class ranks and quit the jw moochers. They've taught you nothing but to be a burden on society in more ways than one.

  • Violia

    you fat pig, starve yourself.

    you must repeat that many times for forgiveness. ( maybe at the DMV - see South park thread)

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