I'am in the Penalty Box! I asked the Circuit Overseer "Who Donates Blood For Jehovah's Witnesses Blood Fragments".

by AuntConnie 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mann377

    Just remember:.............A religion that has all the answers dosen't allow any QUESTIONS!

  • minimus

    Connie, NO ONE has the answer to your question. They CANNOT give you a reasonable response.

  • Crazyguy

    And lets not forget with out any scriptures needed and there are plenty that blows up the jw blood doctrine all one has to do is reason did not Jesus release us from the law. Wish I would have woke up sooner.

  • carla
  • Stealth

    AuntConnie, Did you not claim in another recent thread that you may soon become the first COW posting on JW.net? Are you trying to sabatoge your husband's chance of becoming a CO? GOOD FOR YOU!

    AC said: I told you I am married to a sixth-grade educated elder with half a brain, he usually speaks without using a inner monologue. It's funny because I will catch him after I posed a question, thinking that he better shut his mouth or else speaking the truth might land him out of his position. He should have been born to a rich family with a trust-fund because he does not like to work....

    There you have it folks, the qualifications to move up in the JW organization. With those qualifications he could move all the way up to become a member of the governing body.

  • out4good3

    What a shame it is that people with that level of intelligence are put in charge of counseling others on life and death decisions.

    Hell.....they can't even be true and honest with themselves.....

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    stunning logic. Simples...


    AC! :-) Good for you. I hope to have the nerve to do the same.

  • flipper

    CONNIE- Great job in attempting to get these JW's to think. Good for you. Even though they turn their minds off- perhaps one of them will think privately about what you said. Good job

  • wasblind


    The ultimate blood donor ( Jesus ) shed his blood to save mankind

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