What kind of scandal would cause most JW to leave the "truth"?

by Iamallcool 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quendi

    I can understand why so many believe that the WTS is impervious to a collapse. After all, it has survived scandal, false prophecy, defection of prominent officials, vicious persecution from tyrants and dictators, mass exodus of many formerly faithful members and other ruptures. Other religions have done the same, the Roman Catholic Church being an outstanding example. However, I have hope that the "end" the WTS fondly hopes for will be its own. I'll remind everyone that thirty years ago, both the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union stood impregnable and secure. Nobody in his right mind would have predicted the Wall's peaceful breaching literally overnight on 9 November 1989 or the practically bloodless implosion of the Soviet Union in the few months of August to December 1991. History has seen similar events on all kinds of scales since its beginning. The WTS is a human organization and subject to the same kind of weaknesses that all human enterprises are.

    So we cannot use present events or trends as some kind of barometer for this cult's future. Just as past institutions, governments and enterprises were caught completely by surprise by the rapid unfolding of events that led to their destruction, so the WTS can be. And those events can transpire not only with blinding speed, but originate from a quarter that nobody ever expected. I don't see the WTS surviving indefinitely. I may not be around when its demise finally comes, but based on what has happened in other times and places, I believe my hope is a sound one.


  • Violia

    It seems for some of us to leave, it was something aimed at our loved ones. I know for myself seeing the enormous hypocrisy in the wts was so unnerving and then finding out the person I viewed as a mentor did not believe this either- they were using the wts to move up in social class. That and finding out the extreme double standards for the elders and all the upper echelon. two set of rules that applied to them and rules for the rest of us pee ons-- That did it for me.

    I think it has to become personal before folks leave. The pain of staying has to outweigh the pain of leaving. you know, like cancer treatment.

    Even if one of the GB were a pedo, folks would just find a way to explain it. It really has to affect you really personally before you decide to leave.

    Also, I totally agree that if tithing were ever made mandatory, jws would leave. Money decides many things. It is also the answer to many "why did they do that?" questions.

  • Diest

    I think if it was found out that Bethal was shooting gay porn and all of the GB were actors then maybe 20% would leave. The rest would just say...where else can we go.

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    The only thing I can come up with is if the GB were to print BLATANT, OUTRIGHT LIES in the Watchtower magazine. That would totally do it for sure.

    Oh wait,

    Never mind.


  • jam

    What kind of scandal, Jesus could come down on a cloud and

    announce to the world, we (my Father and) had no hand in

    choosing the organization known as JW to represent US.

    You would still have some folks ask the Elders or GB, should

    we believe Jesus or trust the GB. What should we do, my head

    is exploding.

  • kaik

    As other had said, nothing will shake it down. The system, the hiearchy, and the structure will survive even the worst imaginable scandal.

  • whathappened

    Quentin, I hope it happens soon, exactly as you say.

  • Spectre

    No matter what happens all that needs to be said is: "It sure shows how mad Satan is and how hard he's working. It also sure shows how close armageddon is!"

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    Few leave over a scandal of any sort. It takes a personal crisis, an eye opening moment ... or being kicked out on your butt.

  • snare&racket

    I think most jw's fear they are being financially fleeced, they likely have a very deep down fear that if there is any kind of con going on, it is likely for financial reasons....

    If a story broke with relations to finances and naughty goings on, I think this would wobble a lot of people. If there were connection to the higher up's then maybe they would fall away in great numbers. Nobody wants to look like they have been conned.

    I am not sure how or of what nature such a scandal would break, but I have always thought financial indiscretion on a large scale and with obvious dirty fingers involved would really shake people.

    I know of m.servants who have said no to working on q.builds and on bethel work because they felt they were being tsken advantage of financially... I think people start to REALLY think hard when the wallet is involved.


    p.s. Ironically these,scandals have taken place, just not made mainstream news or reading to catch JW attention.

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