Kingdom Hall in Chile has National flag!!

by wolfman85 49 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • joe134cd

    Ok I have been looking at the photo again. I see what has happened. You will see that the flag is hanging on the outside of the window and behind the security grill. So what some vindictive apostate has done has waited until no one is around, and then put a flag between the window and the bars. Taken the photo and then left. That's my take on it. If it was done by some one in the congregation then the flag would be behind the window, which it is not. For all the stupid things that the Borg has done (and hey there has been many) this would just be taking it to a new level. Vindictive apostate I say. Shame on you.

  • Laika

    This is amazing. Have to pay out money? Compromise. Cause your followers to get beaten or raped? No compromise.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    What 3rdgen said... they'll simply say that this didn't come from the WT and that "Summ Brutherz" ran ahead of the organization...

    This guy "Summ Brutherz" is really notorious... he seems to be running ahead of the Society in every country so far.

  • cantleave

    - They will be holding blood donation sessions in Kingdom Halls next!

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    They probably opened the window to put the flag between the bars and the glass.

    If the glass is frosted it would not be so obvious to those inside, especially if there are also blinds which are kept closed to keep the heat out as is usual in a hot country.

    Still doesn't seem right though. They should not display the flag and pay the fine.


    The picture could be staged, it's a possibility. It's hard to tell if the flag is behind or in front of the window.

    See everyone, this is why american JWs need to vacation...err..I mean serve where the need is greater. If American Jws had been there to show those bumbling 3rd worlders how to behave, then this would never have happened.

  • losingit

    Wolfman85-- did the ppl on the extj Spanish forum think it was fake? Or something done by apostates? Are those dates Chile's independence days?

  • Gayle


    "Public buildings and private residences are required to display the flag on Navy Day (21 May), National Day (18 September) and Army Day (19 September). If the flag is displayed incorectly or not displayed at all during these days, the person responsible may be fined."

  • AndDontCallMeShirley
    "the person responsible may be fined."

    Paying fines for not displaying the flag takes money from Watchtower's elder Pedophile Defense Fund and it's real estate ventures. Therefore, in this case, displaying the flag is acceptable, as avoiding paying the fine does not waste "dedicated funds".

  • Flg8ter

    Not really shocking or surprising. ..... remember, the hardcore stand on voting has changed....yo keep the peace or avoid trouble. That stand would have saved lives in Malawi, but I digress. .... it's just another example of the new GB changing policy. The once hardline stance is now very fluid......

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