1914 not Christ's Return anymore?

by pacloc 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • chrisuk

    How can the watchtower even say Jesus returned invisbly? Doesn't the bible say every eye will see him?

  • Simon
    One can arrive at a place without returning. One can arrive in Ireland, having never been there, without returning.

    Yes, but in this case he's been to both heaven and earth (if you believe the story). We're not talking about any new place so 'arrived' is synonymous with 'returned'

  • Simon

    How does he even 'return' if it's as an invisible spirit that no one can see? How can he be said to 'not return' ... was there some super anti-jesus force field holding him back all this time?

    It's laughable that anyone believes this.

    I mean, people laugh at the beliefs of other cultures as though they are stupid for falling for idiotic stories ... and then they pull this out.


  • Simon

    And if they are now putting back the start of the great tribulation then what about all the claims of evidence that it started already (earthquakes, wars etc...)

    Doesn't it just show them up to be a bunch of fraudsters making quack claims they have no knowledge or evidence for.

  • Glander

    But how do super-god spirit beings travel...? How do they leave, come back, and do the hokey-pokey?

    Never mind.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Thanks for clearing that up.

    As my JW sister said, "It makes sense!"

    I am so confused right now! I think that is the goal. You don't have to understand it, just be confident Jehovah will deliver us.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    It's got so ridiculous and confusing now that even the Watchtower's own explanations are mostly just dumbed down, simplied responses, that in turn create false impressions and even more confusion such as what prompted this poster to come here and ask the question as his very first post on this forum. This is great because it means more and more puzzled JW's are turning to the internet to try and figure out what the hell is going on. You can always count on this forum to provide 'the truth about the truth' (TTATT).

  • LogCon

    Why is this so hard to understand? Jesus has come and then left but then returned but never left and then returned again.

    The principle has been adequately explained by the faithful and discreet slave/governing body.

    It is called the 'overlapping' principle. Being here but not being here but not leaving but arriving after.

    Simply put, Jesus visits are overlapping. Got that, OVERLAPPING !


  • Jeffro

    In weird JW theology, Jesus presence (since 1914) isn't the same as his return when he is "coming quickly" (a future 'judgement'). The future coming is intended to be the climax of his presence and marks the beginning of the 'Great Tribulation'.* Since at least 2006, the future return also marks the beginning of 'separating the sheep and the goats'.
    * Note that this is quite different to what Charles Taze Russell taught. He believed that Christ had returned in 1874, and that the 'Great Tribulation' would begin in 1914.

    JW theology is a bit like quantum physics. If you're not confused, you don't really understand it.

  • Jeffro


    Since at least 2006, the future return also marks the beginning of 'separating the sheep and the goats'.


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