Gorby's father collapses at home after new light watchtower study

by Gorbatchov 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Zoos

    Be with your father.

  • WideAwake

    Sad news but I hope he recovers quickly.

    It seems that long time serving witnesses (self included.)havent had resilience built into us to cope with growing old in this system with all its trials etc

  • ILoveTTATT

    Hi Gorby... Sorry to hear that! I hope he gets well soon... Sad that people are reacting... The blue pill/red pill debate is a strong one when you are older...


  • scotoma

    I am almost 70 and was very active until I turned 35 when I began a slow exit that still isn't complete because my wife still believes and I feel I owe her my presence at her side a few times each month.

    I had one good cry when I discovered the wooly mamoths that were frozen in the arctic fell through ice into rivers and drowned thus disproving the Noachian flood myth.

    My kids were all baptized. And they have all left the JW's and are atheists with college degrees.

    I am content that I was able to see some of the damage my parents got me into fixed for the next generation.

    There was a very faithful brother I knew that was always assembly servant who stopped taking his heart medications after the 1995 1914 generation change. He spent his last year of life eating great

    marbled steaks. His heart attack was as quick and clean as a bullet in the mouth.

  • cofty

    Not a bad way to go.

  • ruderedhead

    Hope your father has a full recovery, Gorby.

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    This is sad news...I hope he'll take it easy and start to enjoy life a bit.

    It is indeed sad to see so many older folks just trying to hold back their doubts and see their life coming to an end with no paradise in sight.


    Kool Jo

  • WishingLiz

    Best wishes Gorby. I hope you have a lovely visit with your father.

    It's hard for them when they realize they're going to die. My father was the same. They haven't prepared for it.

  • 3rdgen

    It is such a shame that the faithful are not prepared for old age and death. It's like an 80- something still believes in Santa Claus. If they start to realize they were wrong all those years it is devistating! Who will be of comfort and aid to such ones? Certainly NOT the WTBT$. So glad you are there for your dad, Gorby.

  • adamah

    3rd Gen

    If they start to realize they were wrong all those years it is devistating! Who will be of comfort and aid to such ones? Certainly NOT the WTBT$. So glad you are there for your dad, Gorby.

    Ironic, as here is a man (Gorby's dad) who looked out for #1 throughout his whole life by making it to MS/elder by not hesitating to shun others, likely reprimanded brothers and sisters who failed to shun, egged others on to die by refusing blood, likely DFed hundreds, etc. Worse part is, it ALL was driven out of fear of the threat of losing his panda-petting privileges and facing up to social ostracism. Gorby's dad caved into social pressure, and likely would use the Auschwitz excuse ("I was just following orders....")

    And now that he's elderly and in his time of need, Gorby is showing MORE COMPASSION and LOVE for his father, motivated out of NOTHING more than the love a son feels for his natural father?

    THAT'S what actual love and concern for one's family members is, NOT throwing your family under the bus in order to demonstrate one's own Christian faith, done to save your own everlasting back-side (which is a promise that will never happen, anyway)....

    Thanks for sharing your experience, Gorby!


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