What does your ID or Nick say about you?

by LyinEyes 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • WildTurkey

    I think my nick says I need A.A meetings. LOL When I first registered here I was drinking Wild Turkey.

  • Billygoat

    Billygoat is a nickname my parents gave me when I was a kid. I guess I was pretty stubborn.


  • ThatSucks

    I believe my username fits my general attitude.

  • Princess

    Just back from Disneyland when I registered, daughter totally obsessed with Disney Princesses. Also the only girl in family of three boys. Princess just worked for me.

    Avengers, my last name is Egner, constantly being called Enger. Nice to meet someone who actually has that name...or at least part of it.


  • meat pie
    meat pie

    I really love meat pies. Also it was common knowledge in the cong that when I went out on the ministry, I would usually buy myself a nice steak pie to eat before meeting as a present to myself 'for being good'. So if anyone who knows me is reading this, Yes its ME!

  • plmkrzy

    gawd......the many reasons for my name are endless. it was the most fitting for one thing "F**KIN'NUT" would not be very appropriate for a public forum. That being a term of endearment some of those closest to me use on my behalf. It also fit nicely since that will discribe the color of my car when it's finished. It will be simular to that of a black plum. Very Very black with peral dark purple and deep blue highlights when it's in the sun.
    Plus I see a couple of shrinks, one for my crazy dreams and one for healing from my past life expierences.

    My other ID is DreamCatcher but i don't use it here.
    I have a thing with dreams and I also like collecting "Dreamcatchers"
    I've been called creepy by a few because some of my dreams came true. So I just decided to embrase to whole idea of being crazy.


  • Joyzabel

    I'm not very original, I guess, just happy to be free of the whole freaking borg.


  • Athanasius

    I chose the name Athanasius to irritate the JWs. In Church history Athansius was the champion of Christian Orthodoxy against Arian heresy at the Council of Nicea in the 4th century A. D.


  • thewiz

    regardless of what others have said about my moniker it has nothing to do with urine.

    You know those fancy programming wizards that many in the computer field become accustomed to.

    It's because I'm pretty good at what I do. Computers, programming them, configuring them, Linux guru, etc. I'm the guy that the Sr. Java Web applications programmers come to and I'm only considered a/the Sr. Programmer Analyst. Bastards.

    In fact I'm doing two entire system compiles right now. It's a killer on this machine. Can't do anything else while I'm doing it so I might as well post.

  • Angst

    need I say more....

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