Colorado Flooding Near My House

by dazed but not confused 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    DAzed I didn't realize you lived in Longmont ! I am just sick over all the destruction that has occured in that area . Our son lives in NW Longmont .and called at noon to say there was a warning out to 1000 homes near MacIntosh Lake ( which is very close to him ) . He hasn't been able to reach work in Boulder since Thursday. I hear roads are begining to re-open ,but it also has been raining again all day today ... Hope your home remains safe as well as your family . The aerial views on YouTube from Denver 7 news are just very eye opening to how extensive this disaster really is is going to take a long time to rebuild all that has been lost .esp. the small mountain towns . We usually visit Estes ,Lyons and near Jamestown every summer .

  • Simon

    Sorry you're going through this, we know what it's like (not personally affected but it was all around us a few months ago).

    Doesn't this sort of thing seem to be happening more frequently with weather getting more extreme.

    Thank god there is no such thing as 'climate change' otherwise we'd be in real trouble. (end sarcasm)

  • Simon

    It's sad that looting and crime is a big problem. In Calgary and high-river the problem was organizing the number of people volunteering to help and the buses to get them in and out of affected neighborhoods.

  • jgnat

    Water is death to goods. It's the mould that is given free reign in a damp, dark, unventilated home for a few days. My friends have stories. Nothing to save, even on the second floor, as everything is covered in multicolored mould. Books glued shut from the damp alone.

    Clean out the fridge, unplug it and wedge the doors open.

    If you have anything that you must keep (i.e. photo albums) take them with you. Leave with windows left open on the second floor.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    It's sad that looting and crime is a big problem.

    Yeah that was a bummer. 2 minors were arrested in connection with the burglaries. Since then, there have been no more reports of break-ins. Those who stayed in the community have really come together. They have organized and patrol in regular intervals. It’s a nice community we have here

    Troubled mind - I’m looking foreword to driving around Longmont once the water recedes.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    jgnat - Yep. It takes very little humidity to destroy a home and it's contents. This is going to produce a lot of work for me however. I'm in the hazardous demolition field... mold, lead and asbestos. So for me there is a silver lining.

  • jgnat

    LOL, I'm in the information preservation field. I try and get people to plan ahead so they don't lose their important stuff.

  • insearchoftruth4

    Just text back and forth with my DF'ed buddy in Littleton, raining cats and dogs but all is ok so far...Sure would like to go visit when it stops raining.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Once you leave my community you can go left or right. Right is to I25 and left is into Longmont. This washed out road is less than a mile from where I live heading west into Longmont. Crazy!

  • LisaRose

    Tenyearafterer, I lived in Castle Rock before moving back to California three years ago. I know what you mean about how variable it is. I remember driving home on I25, it was completely dry, but a cell of heavy rain was sitting right on my house, it was pouring, I got drenched running from my car to my house. I loved that, you never knew what you were going to get. Hail, rain, snow, lightening, it was never boring. The house next door got hit by lightening, I almost fell out of bed it sounded so close.

    I had a shop at The Barn, downtown Castle Rock. We used to live at Dream Pastries and Sienna. My husband misses their bread. It was great getting real French pastries in Colorado.

    I still have a lit of friends in Colorado, but they are all OK.

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