by St George of England 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    They're tightening their thinking for yourself.

  • pixel

    I think they are feeling the heat of the internet. They are afraid and are reacting.

  • AnnOMaly

    "2014's here so DON'T pay any attention to all the negative nonsense being said about us which will escalate this year because it's ... well, never mind ... Stay away from any of 'the Friends' who give personal speculations about doctrine or are depressed and critical because it's 2014 and it's 100 years since ... ahem ... Just run from them - it is nothing worth hearing - all LIES. We are the ones in the know - listen to us. Would we lead you a merry dance? 'Course not, don't be silly. Anyway, remember that the end is incredibly, incredibly soon now, so don't waste time doing frivolous things like socializing and life-enriching hobbies. You and your children get super-busy with the activities we want you to do to stop you all pondering about being in the year 2014 now and ... and ... VERY important: don't forget to give us your money. Thanks everyone. Oh, and do smile!"

  • wallsofjericho

    AnnOMaly.... perfect summary!

  • Emery

    If the media has lied and people are still gulliby falling for it, why haven't they sued anybody for defammation or slander? Why don't they show us where people have lied? It's pretty simple really.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    ANNOMALY pretty much nailed it

    (love the accompanying Graham Chapman thumbnail!)

  • wasblind

    LOL @ AnnOmaly



    Here is a related link from Cedars.

  • BU2B

    This is getting really scary. They are truly becoming a bonafide CULT! I know they already were but this SEALS IT! Semi-shunning of people who have HOBBIES, Or FOLLOW SPORTS?!! Are they trying to set up two classes of witnesses, like a caste system? The uber spiritual and the outcasts?? If anyone speculates or has a critical conversation, you should avoid this person! They want cult-smile Stepford wife zombies walking around it seems. A caged animal is the most dangerous. And thats what the WT is!

    All still in need to make a solid plan NOW to save their families and exit, with or without them. I fear if we dont get them out now, they will be a lost cause.

    Great article by Cedars by the way...

    Please hang in there DD, we have to use this article against them!!

  • mindnumbed

    Is it really much different? I agree that they seem to be on a rant, but it seems to be cyclical.

    Here is part of a 1952 Watchtower article.

    *** w52 2/1 pp. 80-82 Jehovah’s Theocratic Organization Today ***
    13 There are some who seem to dote on speculations. They love to be the talking center of little groups, voicing their theories on how or when this or that is going to happen. They may not be deliberately rebellious about what the slave provides, but if they can offer only what the slave has already supplied they do not stand out. How can they shine personally if they merely reflect what all others of Jehovah’s witnesses are reflecting? So they seek for something more sensational, for some “new light” to dazzle unwary listeners. As they feed the open-mouthed listeners their line of new theories, the listeners by their rapt attention feed the ego of the speculators. When someone else begins to do the talking and occupies the spotlight, the speculator loses interest in the conversing group and drifts on. These speculating ones may acknowledge that some of their past theories were wrong, but they do not show they have learned the lesson from these mistakes by refraining from bringing forth new theories. Their longing to be viewed as an independent and deep thinker is stronger than their desire to be theocratic.

    14 Some of the speculating ones are more rebellious than others, disagreeing dogmatically with the discreet slave’s provisions, exalting themselves above the Lord’s established channel. They argue that the theocratic organization has not always been right, and that they once had ideas the organization rejected but now teaches, and thus imply that their present theories will likewise be accepted in time. They never mention the numerous speculations they have advanced in the past that were never adopted. That would spoil their campaign to get their present ideas gobbled up. What their conceit blinds them to is that the visible theocratic organization has never claimed infallibility, that it knows the message will be continually purified by the elimination of erroneous ideas, that it expects new truths to become manifest as more prophecies are fulfilled, that gradually the light will shine more and more until the perfect day, and that the clarifications will come through the discreet slave and not self-exalting speculators. (Prov. 4:18; Isa. 6:5-7; Mal. 3:1-3) It is a continuous process, for the slave is “to keep giving them their measure of food supplies at the proper time”. (Luke 12:42, NW) Doubtless some do have ideas that are not published until later; to do so earlier may have been premature, may not have been “at the proper time”. Wait upon the Lord.

    15 But whether they speculate rebelliously or only thoughtlessly, they can do harm. They place themselves within the danger of becoming puffed up with a feeling of importance, or they may stumble weak ones in the faith. They can hinder oneness of mind and prevent everyone’s seeing in harmony. They draw attention to the creature rather than to the Creator and his visible organization. Their unfounded speculations may spread, raise questions and doubts, and jeopardize unity of action. Theocratic persons will shun speculations and speculators. They will drink deeply of the truth waters, not muddying them with inflated personal opinions and speculations. By all drinking the same water of truth, all will see in harmony, work shoulder to shoulder, and march into the new world side by side, all keeping in step with the “faithful and discreet slave”. Those who speculate and concoct their own pet theories and set a little spiritual table of their own, or who sit at the Lord’s table but supply little side dishes of their own, and try to get others to taste of them, they are the ones out of step with the theocratic organization, though in their blind conceit they think the slave and the domestics and the other sheep are out of step.

    16 The slave and the domestics and the other sheep are in step with one another and with God and Christ. They are not out of step and they should not even consider changing to get in step with a sprinkling of self-exalted ones who overlook the Scriptural counsel on these matters. “If any man teaches other doctrine and does not assent to healthful words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, nor to the teaching that accords with godly devotion, he is puffed up with pride, not understanding anything, but being mentally diseased over questionings and debates about words. From these things spring envy, strife, abusive speeches, wicked suspicions, violent disputes about trifles on the part of men corrupted in mind and despoiled of the truth.” “Guard what is laid up in trust with you, turning away from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called ‘knowledge’. For making a show of such knowledge some have deviated from the faith.” “Keep holding the pattern of healthful words which you heard from me with the faith and love that are in connection with Christ Jesus.” “Keep reminding them of these things, charging them before God as witness, not to fight about words, a thing of no usefulness at all because it overturns those listening. But shun empty speeches that violate what is holy; for they will advance to more and more ungodliness, and their word will spread like gangrene.” “They are subverting the faith of some.” “Turn down foolish and speculative questionings, knowing they produce fights.” “Keep your eye on those who create divisions and causes for stumbling contrary to the teaching which you have learned, and avoid them.”—Rom. 16:17; 1 Tim. 1:4, 7; 6:3-5, 20, 21; 2 Tim. 1:13; 2:14, 16-19, 23-26; Titus 3:9-11, NW.

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