by WatchTower87 293 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phizzy

    Jeffro, he only sniffs it.

  • Jeffro


    Jeffro, he only sniffs it.

    Well that's okay then. Because tasting the glue would be weird.

  • wallsofjericho

    another step closer to the epitomy of cult

  • HBH

    Since they changed the FDS, they will have to change the answer in the pre baptism questions. Do they still use the OM book? That will have to be revised, along with anything else they change.

  • warehouse
    Jeffro wrote:

    I'm sure he thinks it's delicious.

    Phizzy wrote:

    Jeffro, he only sniffs it.

    Well he is a quite docile 19yr old boy who takes exacting notes at all meetings and assemblies, and can't think for himself; the "glue" has most certainly gone to his head. I've always said they put something in the food at Bethel to make everyone mindless. Although, I have eaten there on occasion and I didn't get any dumber, at least not that I can tell, lol.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Well, here's my final predictions for the meeting (for whatever it's worth.) Can't wait to see what happens Saturday!

    1) New Bible (of course) but it will not be called the New World Translation anymore. May be renamed something like the "Divine Name Bible"

    2) We need more money and free labor. A form of tithing will be instituted, but it won't be called tithing.

    3) Some new and absolutely batshit crazy nonsense trying to re-reinterpret a past doctrine that no one even cares about. Probably won't mess with the 144k, as it was just mentioned at the WT study last week.

  • AuntConnie

    WallsofJerico, love that photo of yours! Which Governing Body member would come off the scariest over a giant screen like that? I know I was not suppose to watch "V" (too much thinking for a husband who worship's Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable guy). Educational movies are shunned for good old country entertainment like "The Three Traveling Jesus Loving Redneck Tour or The Blue Comedy Tour". He shunned me for watching demonic movies like "The Matrix", "Unbreakable" "Sixth Sense", "The Village" and hot Brad Pitt in "Fight Club and Meet Joe Black"

    Annual Meetings is going to explain the Organization need's everyone to send in all their retirement money and savings accounts. To brothers and sisters really poor, sell your prescription pain medications and get thirty-cents on the dollar for your EBT card to send money ASAP. This is a once in a life chance to donate dirty, wordly and sleezy money to fight off all the sneaky legal representives suing Jehovah's Organization. By donating all your money now, the Slave will give send everyone a single "Super Lotto Ticket" for each $100 donation. This is the paradise of winnings you have been looking for! Imagine if every JW won the same Lotto for $100,000,000 divided by 1,000,000 from divine will, that's serious cash and bragging rights to all the big givers.

    The Annual Meeting is going to beg for more money, a new program modeled after the Catholic Church will provide a signed certificate of protecion from Jehovah's Slave. Large donations will provide a "Ink Mark" on all your wayward family, protection from the Big A because you trusted in Jehovah's Slave using your unrighteous riches by covering legal fees and dump fees, cost of literature and new apartment complexes for all Jehovah's servants who are still serving him until their last breath, than we can move them out as quick for a new couple on the "dwelling waiting list". The Organization is going to ask you to take in Missionaries, COs, DOs who abandoned their worldy family to care for you. Now in their time of need, the worldy family is telling the faithful servants "get out of her now before I call the cops!"

  • Vanderhoven7

    The wonderful announcement will not be:

    "We are changing our name to "Jesus witnesses" "

  • slimboyfat

    So is somebody going to get a recording of this event and put it on YouTube or something?

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    They might reinterpret the separation of the wheat from the weeds to bring it in line with the understanding sincE 1995 of the separation of the sheep from the goats as only being fulfilled during the GT.

    Mind you, since when did JW's ever notice or care about any glaring contradictions right under their noses?

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