How long since you have prayed?

by LostGeneration 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • LostGeneration

    Why SBF? Were you eating with a JW?

    I kinda figured out why prayer works from some JWs. Its like the the Napoleon Hill books where you basically self-program yourself. They always put the people up on the assemblies who pray and pray and pray for circumstances to pioneer. Of course, they are looking for jobs that pay enough to support the pioneering. So lo and behold when they get the cleaning contract that pays just enough, and lets them do it at night or on the weekend when they want.

    Glad I never followed through on any of my half hearted prayers to be a pioneer, I might be wasting my life away to this day.

  • WTWizard

    I rarely prayed to joke-hova in the first place, and when I did that thing always made sure the opposite of what I needed was what I got. Also, giving that thing any thanks for anything was a sure way to make sure whatever good was contained in that thanks would end abruptly and permanently.

    Unfortunately, I got forced to say the prayer to joke-hova when I was out in field circus one not-so-fine day near the end. All I wanted was to dog the whole thing, and I wished I could have blabbed to Satan so He could have brought the whole work to a screeching halt and made for some more temptation. Trouble is, I never saw enough of Satan's workmanship--whether in my personal life or in the form of having people disfellowshipped.

  • chickpea

    i actually told my therapist that i sometimes miss believing in a god or an entity that had my back... then i said that i realized that every time in the past, when i faced the fire, held up or got up again after living thru situations that were extremely distressing... it was ME.... not some capricious supreme being who, as a graphic above pointed out, helps teams win their sports championships.... well, you know the rest

    i remember when i was first out, wondering when i would stop doing things like watching my teen driver pull out of the driveway and whispering a prayer for their safe return..... but now, i dont pray anymore...

    however, i do say jesus a lot... my fave exclamation this month seems to be sweet baby jesus in a mosh pit!

  • Laika

    About 30 minutes ago, to say thanks for having some other prayers answered.

  • redvip2000

    When i go have dinner at my parents, they sometimes convince me to pray over the meal.

    Aside from that, never... Why should i? There isn't a single instance i can remember where praying actually did anything. In fact, it is a complete waste of time. Evidently God must be too busy to actually answer any prayers.

    If tomorrow, 1000 people pray to God asking to be able to find a job, perhaps 5% will be successful. Those 5 percent will see this as evidence that God answers prayers. The other 95% will just assume that God has other plans for them.

    If instead they pray to the Sun, these percentages will be exactly the same.

  • cofty

    Laika - try an experiment. Stop praying completely and see how good things and unhelpful things continue to happen in equal measure.

    Can anybody explain the difference between prayer and superstition?

  • Giordano

    I only pray when the Miami Dolphins are playing. "Dear Lord it's me again....... Gio!

    "Lord it's about The Miami Dolphins, It's a new season. Please heal their lame players, give sight to their blind and remember to smite the opposing quarterback..... the team will do the rest."

  • mrhhome

    @ Giordano, Last Saturday at bed time prayers, my daughter prayed that the Florida Gators would win their next game. My Yankee wife proceded to give me an earful about misplaced values. I told her that there was nothing wrong about praying for someone in need.

  • mrhhome

    In all seriousness, I do not think that the point of praying is just about getting what we want.

    Remember "Thine will be done. On earth as it is in heaven."

    I have always believed that the point of prayer is our spiritual and mental health. Prayer is about reconnecting ourselves to God and each other in the process.

  • freeflyingfaerie

    Prayers dwindled and eventually came to a screeching halt during the course of the year 2008...the year I lost my religion...

    ..and a funny thing happened..I didn't feel any withdrawal of 'holy spirit'. Things continued to be random, and cause and effect. Some wonderful things happened to me, and some not so wonderful things happened...just like when I prayed..hmmmm

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