I have been asked to submit work for next year's open studio exhibit

by nugget 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nugget

    Will do there are a huge number of artists locally and I got a huge thrill out of visiting their studios and discussing their techniques. There is also a wildlife art society locally sponsored by Marwell who run a major exhibition each year for wildlife art I'm hoping to be good enough to exhibit there but isograph technical drawings take a long time to do so I need to use other techniques as well in order to build up a body of work sufficient to exhibit at both events.

  • Hortensia

    Wow -- it would be terrible to ignore such a talent. I'm glad you have this challenge ahead of you! Keep us posted.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Wow Nugget, you do great art work! I am so thrilled for you. Just Lois

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle


    Congratulations !!!

  • flipper

    NUGGET- This is fantastic news ! Good for you. It's great to pursue interests that we left behind due to the JW cult stealing our time away from previous interests. I'm proud of you. You do beautiful artwork. Keep on pursuing your dreams and interests ! I've been pursuing interests of mine as well and I've never been happier. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • gma-tired2

    Your art is beautiful. Your work deserves to be exhibited

  • jgnat

    I have a line on a nature photographer stationed out of Grande Cache. You can send me a note with your e-mail and he might be interested in sending you some of his photos. He's got great intimate shots of birds, Mountain Caribou, wildflowers, you name it.

    Please be patient. I do not check my e-mail daily.

  • Xanthippe

    Beautiful work Nugget, so glad you are going to exhibit.

  • BroMac

    ^^ WOW nice draught sketches

  • rebel8

    "isograph pens"--I had to Google that. An online store called Cult Pens sells them. lol I'm an India ink artist myself. :D I do animal/natural subjects exclusively too.

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