"Giving Makes You Happy" jw.org video for kids

by Scully 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • InquiryMan

    The video states nothing about giving to the WTS. It is a general film aimed at teaching a child generosity...

    sorry for not being a militant anti WTS-warrior.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    You make a good point. I bet they'll have a video about contributions at the hall soon enough though.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Lol!!! I'm certainly not a militant warrior or militant in any way, shape or form.

    I am also not blind to WT tactics.

    Sure, its an adorable video that the little ones will love.

    However, the WTS has a purpose in making that video.

    Is the purpose simply to teach children about giving?

    Anyway, I recall a friend of Caleb' s gave him a lovely little warrior toy and his mother guilted him into throwing this wizard toy in the trash.

    Obviously, she didn't care that a child GAVE that toy as a GIFT to her child.

    IM, is the WTS a cult? Do they utilize brainwashing techniques?

    Are you so naive as to not see the WTS had a purpose in mind?

    Brainwash, Rinse, Repeat!

  • zound

    In and of itself it's fairly innocent, but put it alongside Watchtowers constant demands to donate donate donate your time and your money, it is easy to see it fits in with their message for JW's to be generous and donate to the WWW.

    This cartoon strikes me as a 'primer'. Generate that generous spirit first - then later the Watchtower will direct that generous spirit to the contribution boxes. The article of the chicken Julia mentioned are a great example of that.

    I don't think I'm being paranoid by saying this, it's cumulative evidence of their manipulative techniques that make it obvious.

  • InquiryMan

    It might be a follow up, I just evaluate this video on its own. If you did not know it had been made by the WTS none of you would have given it a 2nd thought of being deceptive in any way-

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I see what you mean. On its own, out of the whole JW socio-historical context, it's a cutesy Ned Flanders-ish video encouraging kids to be good to their families. Then when you look at it in the context of the whole of JW literature, it takes on a much more sinister appearance, solely because of it being a tiny piece of that huge mosaic.

  • zound

    You may be right. This could just be a 'freebie' from the Watchtower - an innocent cartoon just meant to teach a nice lesson to kids with no alteria motives.

    But from my experience Watchtower rarely give out 'freebies' : articles or info that is not in some way motivating the flock to do things or not do things to keep them in control.

    It's possible this is purely an innocent output, but from past experience I'm inclined to think it's not.

  • InquiryMan

    Perhaps you are a bit more prone to conspiracy-theories than I am ;-)

    Or they might have a hidden agenda in making this, although I doubt that.

    time will show.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    We do get a bit paranoid as exJws. I think it comes from finding out we were lied to bigtime, so it colours our view of every other thing they create. I know from experience thought that they leave no textual representation to chance, from the Watchtower, to an Awake article about finger painting, to a talk outline, to a documentary, and probably a kids' cartoon now too.

  • moomanchu

    Does the Watchtower have a first , second , and third world country version of these videos? I wonder if Caleb wears his helmet to the meeting?

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