Evolution, Biogeography VS. Experimental archaeology

by Brother of the Hawk 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nugget

    I am sure you presented argument to back your point of view but unfortunately I found the personal attacks distateful and these served to detract from anything you said. To assert that someone was selected by evolution to be weeded out was truly disgusting and whether the individual was offended or not I am sure that many people on the forum did find it offensive.

    When an argument has been lost intellectually then the watchtower teaches us that a personal attack is in order you seem to have learnt that lesson well.

  • Newly Enlightened
  • nugget

    I think you may have breached item 1 of the posting guidelines but that is for the moderators to decide

  • cofty

    I'm back - son is home for weekend and needed a lift so he can have a drink with his mates.

    Personally I would like moderators to permit the OP to stand so I can respond to Brother of the Hawk's attacks. I'm more interested in his flimsy grasp of science than his personal slurs but at least one of them needs corrected.

    First I want to read it more carefully and consider my reply.

  • cantleave

    He has no grasp of science and absolutely no understanding of evolution.

  • notsurewheretogo

    He doesn't deserve a reply Cofty...he should be banned.

  • bohm

    Behold, the intellectual fortitude of an creation.com reader

  • cofty

    It would be a bit hypocritical of me to advocate reason and logic and then take personal offense when somebody makes a clumsy and misguided effort to rigorously apply logic in the way BOTH has above.

    "A little learning is a dangerous thing"

    why does this group feel they have to shut down research and posting of such research? ... You see folks, there is a clear leader for all the cyber bullying and it is Cofty.

    This is the part that I think needs to be addressed. Others will judge for themselves, my opinion of me is bound to be biased, but I totally reject the accusation of bullying.

    I love it when others bring research to the forum. Tell us what you have been reading and why you find it compelling, share some evidence and let's discuss it. What I object to is that the anti-science and the pseudo-science lobby never make any effort. They copy-paste, embed videos, make evidence-free assertions and pretend they have responded to the debate.

    I and others challenge assertions. We present evidence in our own words. We research things carefully and only once we really understand it, we explain it for others along with references for further research.

    Exposing superstition for what it is, is not bullying. I believe in attacking bad ideas but not in attacking the person who holds them. No rational person wants to silence opposing ideas. I want your beliefs in the flood proclaimed in detail and I want your thread to have 10 000 views so that we can present the facts and expose the bible for what it is - a record of the superstitious beliefs of a pre-scientific bunch of Iron-Age nomads.

    I may comment on your misunderstandings of bio-geography later but suffice it to say you have misquoted my comments from a previous thread. In future if you want to comment on something I am supposed to have said please quote it precisely. Why are creationists so skilled at copy-paste except when it suits them to paraphrase?

    If you can explain in your own words how bio-geography can be reconciled with the biblical flood myth I would be fascinated to hear it. By the way, despite a number of requests you have still not defined "experimental archaeology".

    Now the so-called "KO punch".

    Tell me why, for a person who posted your current illness did you turn to the very people you look down upon for comfort? Your actions are Hyprocritical!

    I don't look down on anybody. I have contempt for superstition.

    If believers can "hate the sin but love the sinner", why can't I hate superstition but love the superstitious?

    If you truly do believe in evolution and its theory, why are you not accepting the fact that evolution has selected you for termination, because you no longer fit the criteria of “survival of the fittest”! The conflict is truly yours, in opposition to evolution you try to extend your life.

    This line demonstrates you have not the slightest grasp of what it is you reject. I understand theology in some depth. I know the bible in detail. If I didn't I wouldn't be so silly as to criticise it. Why don't believers make the same effort?

    Evolution is a fact. It accurately explains how the diversity of living things came about. It is a process without purpose or intent, it's just genes doing their thing. "It" doesn't select anybody for anything.

    Genes that built bodies that were better able to reproduce and pass those same genes on to a new generation prospered in the gene pool more than genes that were less "fit".

    We are not entirely at the mercy of the relentless process of evolution. As Homo sapiens our speciality was our big brains and our ability for cooperation. Every time we use contraception or take an antibiotic we defy "the tyranny of selfish replicators". When a falcon swoops towards a rock dove evolution hasn't selected the rock dove for elimination. When a human gets a life-threatening illness they haven't been selected. So why do you claim it is hypocritical or dishonest for an atheist to seek treatment for cancer? Is our ability to treat disease not a result of millions of years of evolving big complex brains?

    Actually I am accepting of my bad luck in a way I could never have been as a believer. I don't ask why, there is no angst or mystery. Shit happens, it happened to me, now I deal with it.

    I have posted about my illness on one particular thread because it seemed reasonable to share my experience. I have never used it in any way to garner sympathy in any other thread or debate and I object strongly to you using it in the way you have.

    I am more interested in your ability to defend creationism than your response to the last couple of paragraphs. Mention my illness again in the setting of a debate and I will not be so forgiving.

  • Comatose

    Honestly, I don't understand what you wrote to me. It doesn't make sense to me... But, I can tell that for the last few weeks you have been offended and hurt. I didn't intend to hurt you or make you feel bad like you do. Sorry about that. I think it's sad that you spent the time you did thinking about all that stuff and letting it boil in you when you don't really understand the way the people you are attacking now feel.

    What you wrote about a sick persons health was cruel and unnecessary. I know you are still a Christian. Would Jesus be proud of you for that lowest of blows? He would not. I may have doubts in the bible and god, but I know what Christ was supposed to have been, and it is not what you wrote here.

    You just alienated yourself from 99% of the folks here.

    I feel sorry for you.

  • Miss.Fit

    Cofty. Bravo!!Classy.

    Hawk...bad form .

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