Rudds new asylum seeker policy

by barry 110 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jeffro


    people from Iran are not refugees as a rule as there is no conflict there

    Though it was already pretty bad, there was a significant crackdown on civil rights in Iran in and after 2009.

    they are the requirements in my own words of the UNHCR

    Unlikely. I think you've taken quite a few liberties with the 'original text'.

  • barry

    Not long ago a homosexual in Australia could face prison eve though it was not acted on it was in Australian law.

  • barry

    Jeffro are you Aussie I notice you have Kent in England there anyway its a bit late over here must get to bed. Barry

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Thumbs up, jwfacts and Jeffro.

  • Jeffro
    Jeffro are you Aussie I notice you have Kent in England there anyway its a bit late over here must get to bed.

    Long story. Actually short story, but I've explained it on this forum too many times before.

    I am in Australia.

  • Jeffro
    Not long ago a homosexual in Australia could face prison eve though it was not acted on it was in Australian law.

    I believe 1990(?) was when the last Australian state officially changed laws about that. Indeed, Australia still has its own problems with discrimination. But it's a long way better than Iran.

  • mP


    Your ignorance is astounding. Iranian racial minorities and those who support their rights suffer violence in Iran. Women's rights in Iran are deplorable. Homosexuals there can face the death penalty.


    Your not quite well informed. Iran has one of the largest transexual communities on earth. Im not saying iran is a great place to live, but if you stay within the rules you can live and not qualify as a refugee. Those people just want a free ride on the back of the australian tax payer.

    Although homosexual relationships are illegal (punishable by death) in Iran, sex reassignment operations are permitted. In 1983, Islamic leader Ayatollah Khomeini passed a fatwa allowing sex-change operations as a cure for "diagnosed transsexuals". [3] Be Like Others shows the experiences of male and female patients at Dr. Bahram Mir-Jalali's Mirdamad Surgical Centre, a sex-reassignment clinic in Tehran . [4] One of them is Ali Askar, a 24 year-old man who faces harassment from other men due to his feminine appearance and behaviour. He does not want to become a woman but sees no other options for him in Iranian society. He decides to go ahead with the surgery despite death threats from his father and finds support from Vida, a post-operative transsexual he meets at the clinic. By the end of the film, Ali has become a woman named Negar. She has been disowned by her family, experienced depression and has had to work as a prostitute . 20 year-old Anoosh is another young man who has been ostracised due to his femininity. His boyfriend feels more comfortable when Anoosh dresses as a woman, and in contrast to Ali, Anoosh's mother is supportive of his desire to change sex. The end of the film shows Anoosh – now Anahita – happy and engaged to her boyfriend. However, her boyfriend has become increasingly distant since Anahita had her surgery. [3] [5]

  • mP


    Today Tonight has very little credibility. It wouldn't surprise me if they made up all or part of the story, as they have been known to do with some of their stories. At the very least, they would have changed details for dramatic effect.


    well it doesnt take much brains to figure out the iranians didnt walk from iran to indonesia. Its pretty obvious they want to get the best option and they lie, cheat, steal and even risk their kids lives to get to au.

  • Jeffro


    Your not quite well informed. Iran has one of the largest transexual communities on earth.

    The fact that Iran has its own view of the contrast between sexual orientation and gender identity (two separate issues that are frequently confused in Western society) is not directly synonymous with their attitude toward and treatment of homosexuals. And as you've pointed out, the transexuals aren't treated that well there either. Your assessment that I'm not well informed is mistaken.

  • Jeffro


    well it doesnt take much brains to figure out the iranians didnt walk from iran to indonesia. Its pretty obvious they want to get the best option and they lie, cheat, steal and even risk their kids lives to get to au.

    You're welcome to speculate on people's motives all you like. Some people cheat. Some people don't. Some are desperate. Others take advantage of the system. There's no sense in lumping everyone in as "they".

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