"Worldly people don't love the same as Jehovah's Witnesses"

by Comatose 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Comatose

    In a conversation with my mum she said, "Son the friends love you and care about you so much. They would die for you. That's something you don't find in the world. You seem to have nice neighbors, but they don't love Jehovah. They would not be there for you if you needed them. Your dad and I would do anything for you! If something terrible happened and you were paralyzed, we would sell our house and move, take on jobs, go into debt, anything for you. That's a love the world doesn't have."

    After getting to know many non JWs, I just don't see it. Where is the lack of love or the sub-witness love? My mum actually thinks that non-JW people have a poorer and different type of love and affection. I guess she HAS to think that to serve a god who kills so many families in the past and future? If they don't have full lives like her and are not truly living like her, then its not so bad? The psychology of it is really interesting.

  • blondie

    I remember a talk long ago where the speaker said:

    Brothers, if you say you will die for your brothers, will you live for them? If you won't live for them, you won't die for them when that time may come.

  • whathappened

    I think your mother is in for a surprise. When the time of real need arises, few witnesses help another out of their need. Oh they say they will, but it never really happens. We found this out when our elderly mother went into the nursing home.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I can only post from my phone. My own life is full of niceness when the Kh knows nothing about me. My grades, clubs, friends, diplomacy during race riots caused me to be an outcast.I played poorly in the orchestra, the evil orchestra. I visited Greenwich Village and liked the Beatles and Dylan. Evil me, not worthy of love. I was confronted and scolded atschool. I was born an apostate. I w ould be so upset. My classmate friends saw me in tears and asked why I was talking to the low life when my real friends of both races were leaders. I cried more bc I could never explain. Rejection after rejection. Why does Jehovah let.me read, think, and explore.? I would be happier conforming

    College gave me anonymity and no Witness spies.I was celebrated. The niceness drove me crazy for a few years. When I became very ill, the people the Witnesses called Satanic embraced me and sustsined me. I want to write a long magazine piece or a book. My faults were not sins. People get me.

  • ShirleyW

    "Wordly peope don't love the same as Jehovahs Witnesses"

    They sure don't! Worldly folks don't judge by your standing in the Congregation before they say hello on the street or help you in a time of need.

    Tell your mother that.

  • Oubliette

    Of course a lot of non-JWs are messed up too. That being said, since I was DF'd I've made friends that love me for WHO I am, not WHAT I pretended to believe.

    JWs love you just as long as you:

    • Go to meetings.
    • Pretend to believe whatever the FDS/GB put in print.
    • Don't ever question the FDS/GB no matter how ridiculous their teachings are.

    Have an independent thought and you'll find out just how quick JW-love disappears.

  • flipper

    " Worldly people don't love the same as Jehovah's Witnesses ". MAJOR BS. Worldly people love WAY more than Jehovah's Witnesses- unconditionally . Your mom's claim that, " your dad and I would do anything for you ! If something terrible happened and you were paralyzed, we would sell our house and move, take on jobs, go in debt, anything for you. " Right. Did they mention that they'd also cause your death if you were bleeding badly by refusing to allow you a blood transfusion ? They'll help you if you're paralyzed but prevent you from even being paralyzed if you bleed out to death.

    The JW's claims that they love " more than worldly people " are so shallow because that alleged " love " or " caring " is only upon conditions that the WT Society sets and instills in them to show. Any kind of authentic caring, kindness that does not meet WT Society agenda's is considered useless and not needed. This organization burns me up. A bunch of idiots. The WT leaders I mean. Just remember your mom is mind controlled by them. She's a victim of WT leaders idiocy really. Hang in there

  • msconcerned

    For the last 6 months people in the hall know something is up with me, they just dont know what. I am still serving as an M.S but miss many meetings and have low service hrs. I go to the meetings when i have a part. So in all this time one person actually came to my home to "see how i was doing" but i was at work and that person has not said anything since. I am sure this person did this because i would visit him when few others did. He was old school elder, nothing bothered him, or so he made people think.

    So for all the talks and scriptures read about fellow feeling and love, it is an understatement that it needs to be worked on in the organization.

  • LisaRose

    Of course that is hogwash. The Witnesses give lip service to showing love, but they don't keep track of the hours they spend helping one another, only the hours spent in field service. The elders don't counsel you if you don't get enough time making meals for the sick. So when push comes to shove, what gets done? With all the time spent in meetings, service and study, who has time to help those in need? When was the last time there was a local needs talk on helping out the sick and needy?

    Sure your parents would take care of you if you were sick, but most parents would, it's silly to think DUB parents are any better, in fact quite the opposite, since so many are willing to shun their children if they choose not to be dubs.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    I am coming to the sad reallization that there really is no "reality" with J.W's. Within their group, all can be comfy and cozy, but put them out to view by "the world," and their comfort zone disappears.

    So many people, for so many years have said "until they see it for themselves," until "it happens to them," there will be no helpling.

    Most are actually cold hearted... I say that because, altho I had so many friends, not many will even discuss 607, or "if they are led by God's spirit, why are there mistakes?" If someone died because they refused to be "cannibals" and get an "organ transplant," and the next day "the policy" changed, the only thing you will hear is "at least they died loyal.' That is psychopathic. When you cannot have empathy. When you cannot get mad, because you are "not supposed to or you have a bad attitude, or maybe now YOU are an apostate" because you see the hypocrisy.

    Do the "Governing Body" care about pedophile cases? No. Psychopaths are very good at faking emotion, but when it comes down to it, it's not even about the money they lose, it's about "their image." Their "godly image."

    They collect their jar of hearts, who do they think they are?


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