A Chicken Story, by Anthony Morris the Third

by cedars 87 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Lol. Pm for Cedars

  • Dagney

    So you guys who are in, are the people around you eating this stuff up? Wondering.

    LOL Outlaw. Exactly. It's like Job, it's okay to kill off everything and everybody because you are going to get new ones. Life is so valuable to Jah.

  • frankiespeakin

    OK let look at this critically.

    Chickens lay about 1 egg a day more or less. So say a person has 4 hens and a rooster how long would it take to have 60 chickens? A couple of months which is clearly nothing remarkable. Today you can buy small just hatched chick very cheaply it is no biggy nothing really that out of the ordinary.

    No wonder AM3 was hesitant to proclaim sock puppet Jehovah was behind the increase and could only imply it without the normal certainty they usually speak when tell a story about jehovah. No wonder why everyone was hesitant to clap it was cognitive dissonance halting the programed responce.


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    If this JW family left their chickens to die for something really selfish, like going on vacation for a few days, Morris would've chastised them for their lack of compassion and obvious disrespect for the sanctity life.

    However, loss of life for Jehovah (aka, The Watchtower, Inc.) is comendable.

    Dead chickens can be replaced....lost donations at a DC are gone forever.

    LOL Outlaw. I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when I saw your post, the spray would've killed my laptop for sure.

  • frankiespeakin


    Dead chickens can be replaced....lost donations at a DC are gone forever.

    These very poor people that they catch with their kingdom message they really don't have any use for or really want them at conventions, but Tony just used the story to encourage attendance at DC for those more likely to give monetary contributions and turn a profit.

  • elm

    ......And if they had stayed at home and did not attended the DC they would have been truly blessed by having 60 plus 19 ...79 chickens

  • Heaven

    I live in York Region, Ontario, Canada. A former colleague of mine owns a horse farm. She told me there is a bi-law that states that farmers in our region cannot leave their farms unattended for more than 4 hours a day.

    Anthony Morris da Turd's example is encouraging people to break the law in my region.

  • clarity

    Frankie .....how crazy is this guy huh?

    In order to hatch chickens

    1. need a rooster.

    2. need a broodie hen.

    3. only 'some' hens go broodie or clucky.

    4. springtime is when they might go broody.


    So we wait for spring, then hope for a broodie hen,

    who then stops laying while sitting on eggs hatching

    them for 21 days! She is out of commission for about 3 mths!

    Too bad Tony didn't say() how many chickens were left

    after the 19 were killed ...just that a year later the jw's were

    blessed with a gargantuan # of 60 chickens!!


    Maybe the truth lies closer to ...

    19 died .... 59 chickens were left and

    a year later they were blessed with an increase

    of 1 chicken ....making a total of ............OMG ....

    ................. 60 !!!!!


    What a steaming pile of chicken ka ka! ..(i know i know

    it is a sheep, but I don't have chicken smiley!)


  • Lied2NoMore

    If 19 chickens died...that's probably 100 orders of chicken Mc Nuggets that weren't made. 100 orders of

    Mc Nuggets lost probably led to the deaths of 200 children due to starvation.

    Hey Anthony, why did jah want kids to starve to death?

  • whathappened

    This is disgusting! The righteous man cares for the soul of his domestic animals the Bible says. This is just another one of their tactics to keep the "flock" captive.

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