Tony Morris Turns Tail and Runs From Apostate

by LostGeneration 35 Replies latest members private

  • frankiespeakin


    """" As it stands, this whole thread oozes desperate, if not sensationalist, third-party information that even a crooked judge would throw out of court. "A friend of a friend told me so-and-so said...." Please! Credit us with some active brain cells. """"

    You must remember this not a court of law just a discussion group with no need to trot out witnesses for every statement to be verified.

  • sd-7

    If this really happened, it's just an admission of what we already know anyway: JWs do not wish to have an open, frank discussion with individuals who are knowledgeable about the original languages the Bible was written in, the history of JWs, or what was published in the Watchtower itself over the decades. The literature itself certainly does nothing to prepare them for such a scenario; hence why said literature warns them to avoid talking to 'apostates'. So we'd hardly need to quote Mr. Morris on that issue.


  • steve2
    """"As it stands, this whole thread oozes desperate, if not sensationalist, third-party information that even a crooked judge would throw out of court. "A friend of a friend told me so-and-so said...." Please! Credit us with some active brain cells. """"
    You must remember this not a court of law just a discussion group with no need to trot out witnesses for every statement to be verified.

    Sure, everyday discussion is one thing but it is easy to see how rumors spread, right? Besides, many of us here have been on the receiving end of the ugly rumor mill from the JW community who spread rumors like wild fire.

    It's one thing to ask, "Did the man actually speak those exact words?" and wonder about it; it's an entirely other thing to confidently state, "Yes, that's the very thing he would say!" Like proof is not needed because it sounds like what he would say? That's shoddy thinking.

    My view is not intended as necessarily judgemental, but more of a reasoned response to all this pretty normal wondering; hold your horses until there's some verification. Wouldn't you hope people would treat you the same if you were accused of having said or done something self-exposing but there was no proof?

  • frankiespeakin


    Wouldn't you hope people would treat you the same if you were accused of having said or done something self-exposing but there was no proof?

    I'm not in the least bit interested defending a GB member from being misrepresented in a talk they gave about apostates, and besides we all get misrepresented by them and others all the time so why would I care if someone didn't get the wording exactly right because it was passed down second hand and no recording is availible at the present.

    If it will make you feel any better I'll write AM3 an apology if we find out such and such was never said.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I know we all live by the saying "Fool me once, shame on you. . . "

    . . . but this certainly does strike me as the Burnt-Hot-Dog-style wisdom this dope generously garnishes his speeches with.

  • Londo111

    And Sir Morris-the-not-quite-so-pure-as-Sir-Pioneer ...
    ... Who had nearly stood up to to the vicious return visit of Bristol ...

    Brave Sir Morris ran away.
    Bravely ran away away.
    When apostates reared their ugly head,
    He bravely turned his tail and fled.
    Yes, brave Sir Morris turned about
    And gallantly he chickened out.
    He beat a very brave retreat.
    Bravest of the braaaave, Sir Morris!

  • frankiespeakin


    I like it maybe we should get a crowd over there at bethel and sing this chant style when the bethelites go to work.

    Here a melody you can sing it to:

    Poor little Tony he did run

    Just when things were getting fun

    He didn't even know the bible in his hand

    Now he's running and kicking up sand

    The householder made him look like a fool

    So he'd better go back to school

    A college education from the Awake

    Couldn't even teach him to bake a cake

  • steve2
    I'm not in the least bit interested defending a GB member from being misrepresented in a talk they gave about apostates,

    And nor am I. Let's blast the son-of-a-b*tch for what he actually says, not what he is thought to have said through a secondary and unverifiable source. Unless, of course, in your campaign you're allowing room for rumor, speculation, inaccuracies as part of your arsenal and justified because that's what they did to you. I'm sure you're better than they are?

    Frankly, the man has said enough to be roasted on his very own words rather than the need to speculate "did he or did he not" say the words unverifiably attributed to him?

    As the old English proverb goes, loosely translated from the Olde English: "Hang me for my crimes not for your hostile hunches".

  • fiddler

    Once, in a conversation with my father on some historical/scientific subjects, he said "you are out of my league here". He couldn't follow my logic based on what is currently known about ancient civilizations and time lines because all he knew was what the society had told him.

    I understood him to be admitting that he didn't know. He knew nothing about the timelines proven through various dating methods ranging from ice cores to tree ring to rock layers.

    So, it's possible Tony also knew that he was out of his league with this guy. Freudian slip? Freud would have had a field day with the average JW! Jung even better.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    People in normal life infrequently say something similar

    They think you are cheating if you know a few facts.Besides, knowing a fewfacts mesns you cannot be Christian or American. Freudian slip.t

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