Tony Morris Turns Tail and Runs From Apostate

by LostGeneration 35 Replies latest members private

  • Londo111

    Actually it has a tune already...

  • LostGeneration

    steve makes good points thoughout the thread and I can't argue with what has been stated. The point of the OP was simply to ask if any others on the board were in attendance when this was supposedly stated. I knew it was a longshot from the start.

    I have also heard that all congos are offered a recording of the DC immediately afterwards, can anyone confirm that?

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Julia OrwellRe: Gerrit Loesch was at our DC today!posted~ 3 hours ago(6/26/2013) Post1181of1185 Since1/26/2013 "Someone else must have it! Maybe your dad can ask around his congregation. There's always an official recording done by each congregation for the oldies who couldn't make it."

  • frankiespeakin

    Well I'm pretty sure numb nuts Anthony Morris the t3rd said what the opening post said he said, if not no biggy, because this guy is totally off his rocker so there is plenty of lunacy for us to draw attention to, in fact I'm thinking Morris, Lett, Loesch, Splane, and Herd should provide a bottomless supply of all we need to prove they are suffering from psychological problems such as: grandious delusions, leaps in logic, extreme black and white thinking, just look at the crappy videos and publication they shamelessly publish which broadcasts their psychological problems, and phobias(it's embarassing we once beleived this hog wash).

    I have no reason to doubt the OP as correct and I'm sure time will tell us the answer.

  • frankiespeakin

    Lond, I was thinking of a similar melody when reading your poem.

  • punkofnice

    If......and I say if this is bona fide it shows that Ant Morris the turd knows he's running (or a puppet), a cult.

    Long may he suffer.

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