OK so if the Bible is crap??

by Crazyguy 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    Geez, if the bible is crap, and its not evolution, what else is there?


  • MrFreeze

    People who say things like "evolution is just a theory" must have failed basic science classes in grade school. One of the first things you are taught is the scientific method. If you can't grasp even that basic method for scientific analysis, then you should not have passed any science class.

    I'd be interested to know what facts and experts you are referring to.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    OK so if the Bible is nothing more then a pagan religious book, then how do all of you that think this, think we got here?

    I don't know.

    And Please don't tell me you believe in evolution, because even the experts are finding major flaws in that theory.

    OK, I won't tell you I think evolution makes sense despite its flaws. The "poof-Earth!" theory has no flaws at all, I take it?

    So what is your opinion??

    My opinion is, I don't know.

    Why is that so hard for you to say? Why do you think every question must have an unambiguous answer.

  • rawe

    Hi Crazyguy,

    OK so if the Bible is nothing more then a pagan religious book, then how do all of you that think this, think we got here? And Please don't tell me you believe in evolution, because even the experts are finding major flaws in that theory. So what is your opinion??

    I do not believe the Bible is the word of God or inspired in any way. Nonetheless I would not dismiss it as just another religious book. It is an incredible collection of ancient scrolls that is widely translated and still very influential in our world today. It is often a great window into our past and it breathes a passion in its search for knowledge by means of God.

    Origin of questions are difficult to answer, especially when the event does not routinely happen. When we consider the origin of the earth we can at least think about and study other similar bodies in orbit of our Sun. However the origin of life appears to be one time event that is till unknown in detail. Likewise the origin of the universe is not fully understood.

    As to the theory of evolution -- it is actually well established fact-based theory of the origin of species (notice not 'life'). Experts, as far as I know, are not finding major flaws in the theory. That is a bit of a canard some religious folks circulate.

    My opinon at the moment is this:

    About 13.7 billion years ago, quatum fluctuations resulted in an event we call the Big Bang.

    Some time later the first stars and galaxies formed.

    Still later some of these early stars exploded in massive fireballs we call supernovae. This proccess resulted in the creation of heavy elements like carbon.

    About 4.6 billion years ago, matter in our region of space, shaped by the force of gravity gave rise to the star we know as the Sun.

    The Earth also formed around this time from rocks and dust in orbit around the Sun. Notice, for example, that all the planets in our solar system orbit in the same direction.

    About 3.49 billion years ago, the Earth with an atmosphere quite different than we have today and a moon much closer wreaking heavy tidal influence saw the formation of the first self-replicating life form. Initially it probably involved only RNA.

    At first life is pretty simple, single cell prokaryote cells is it. A billion years passes, the powerful forces of natural selection, give rise to the more complex eukaryote cells.

    Wait! Did you look away? Keep your eye on that material from 13.7 billion years ago! For you and I are "in" that stuff. And once RNA and DNA begin encoding genetic information there will be an unbroken chain of life that leads both to you, me and the banana on my counter. We are all, in a sense "in" that stuff.

    Ah, we wait and wait... no flowers yet! No, not until a mere 130 million years ago could "we" in our ancestor form smell the roses.

    Then wait some more, another 110 million years pass, before someting close to us appears, the great apes at 20 million years ago.

    Finally! We have arrived, the genus Homo is on the scene 2.5 million years ago. Somewhere in that group is my great-great-great-great-times-X-grandmother. But she is certainly there and she survives and gives birth, otherwise I could not be here writing this.

    Thousands of years pass, generations come and go. But both you, me and the banana are throughout all this on the horizon. Life keeps reproducing and changing, but exact sequences of DNA from all those years ago remain. In fact many DNA sequences betwen me and the banana are exactly the same, we got from our common grandparent so very long ago.

    Then in 1964 an amazing event in my life happens -- I'm born! But I'm pretty useless and nead constant care of my parents to stay alive. But I am more than just spit and drool -- I'm a learning machine. First I learn to walk, then talk, then read. By 1982 another amazing event happens. I encounter the Apple II computer with a 6502 CPU and 48KB of RAM memory.

    From there computers get more and more powerful. But they all suffer from a major flaw. Each different model must be painstakingly intelligently designed and manufacted. Every detail of my AMD A6-based Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) setup had to be designed and built by hand. Cranking out 4391 bogomips per core is impressive -- but nothing -- nothing to the power of the self-replicating system of natural selection.



  • FadeToGrey

    I believe in evolution.

    But crazyguy doesn't or is not going to believe any answers anyone gives him

    He sounds like my brother in law. Asks a question then won't have the answer you give him. Even when you are dead certain you are correct in said answer

  • whathappened

    I believed in God up until I was in my late 50's. Now I am an atheist. There is hope for you, too.

  • EndofMysteries

    The other day I was pondering how the bible informs us that God formed people out of dirt/soil/etc. The exact elements in soil are needed for our bodies to properly work, Iron, copper, magnesium, calcium, zinc, etc.

    We truly are made up of 'dust' and continually need it to survive.

  • Shador


    Your name fits. Keep it.

    I don't "believe" in evolution anymore than I "believe" the earth revolves around the sun. I understand and know that these things are fact.

    But if you insist on having a creation myth, I might suggest that

    The sons of Borr slaying the primeval giant Ymir in Norse mythology

    Is a way cooler story than YHWH majiking the world into being.

    ..... of course I may be biased on that point.

  • LisaRose

    Crazyguy, I cannot add anything to what is said here. But I will say the first step in getting answers answers is asking the question you did. The next step is to NOT define what form the answer will be. If you are convinced it's not evolution, then why ask the question? It may not be the answer you want, but it is the answer. Every day, new discoveries about DNA confirm what scientist already know, we were not wonderfully made, we evolved, maybe not wonderfuly but but still, here we are.

    I recommend reading National Geographic. It is very understandable and covers all kind of scientific subjects. Read that for a year, stop reading the Watchtower and other third grade level magazines. Then come back here and say you don't believe in evolution.

  • Shador
    I recommend reading National Geographic. It is very understandable and covers all kind of scientific subjects.

    Good idea. Also to get a good, solid, basic understanding of what evolution is and how it works (because most religious publictions flat-out LIE about what evolution is), I would highly recommend the book "The Greatest Show on Earth" by Richard Dawkins.

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