What on earth happened to the magazines?

by slimboyfat 73 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Splash

    Let's look at the figures for WT pages being printed, for offering to the public:

    As a reminder, the Awake! went to monthly in Jan 2006, the WT split between monthly study and public editions in Jan 2008.

    The half sized 16 page versions of both came out in Jan 2013.

    In Jan 2007 the WT was printed twice per month and had 32 pages:

    Printing each issue: 27,055,000

    twice per month x 27,055,000 x 32 pages = 1,731,520,000 pages per month

    In Jan 2012 the (public) WT was printed once per month and had 32 pages:

    Printing each issue: 42,182,000

    once per month x 42,182,000 x 32 pages = 1,349,824,000 pages per month

    In Jan 2013 the (public) WT was printed once per month and had 16 pages:

    Printing each issue: 44,978,000

    once per month x 44,978,000 x 16 pages = 719,648,000 pages per month

    So in 2007 we were leaving the public with 2.4 x as much 'spiritual food' as we do today.

    Every month.

    Maybe there's not so much need for it as these critical last days march on.


  • punkofnice

    SBF -

    There'll probably be an "article" about Jehovah's chariot in the next magazine, consisting of a heading, ten bullet points, and a recycled picture: word count 200 words. All hail Watchtower progress, hail the theocracy ever increasing.

    No doubt with a pictire of the GB sitting in comfy chairs on top of the globe!

    ....................hmmm........now that reminds me..........

  • besty

    They are constructing a global franchise model which is easy to replicate and scale - I would imagine they have plans to be 100% digital for consumer-facing publications.

  • punkofnice

    I can imagine there being a swing towards on line dublications if not 100%.

    ''In a spirit of self sacrificing love, those with printers can print out and distrubute the fine spiritual food from Jehovah's table for those that are not able to go on line for the 'banquet of well oiled dishes'. (Matt 24:45 Obey the holy GB)''

    I made that up........proud of myself......perhaps I should write the Awake!(R) ??!!??

  • Jaidubdub

    They make it so simple so that no one uses their brain...

  • losingit

    I just recently purged myself of all the WT and Awake! magazines i had. I kept loose and bound copies, had them organized neatly. But after finding out TTATT i couldn't bear to keep that trash in my house any longer.

    It's true about the quality nowadays-- when I'm bored at the meetings, it only takes me hardy just 1/2 a meeting to get through it between dealing with the kids and stoping to listen to some interesting comment ( which i also feel is rare nowadays-- just repeat what the paragraph say. YUCK). I remember before it took me several meetings! (Remember I'm a mom with little ones at the KH)

    I still have some books. Wondering if there are any worth keeping....

  • ?evrything

    its nu lite

  • punkofnice

    losingit -

    I still have some books. Wondering if there are any worth keeping....


  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Thanks Splash...

    So assuming it costs the Watchtower Corporation 10 cents ($.10 USD) to produce a 32-page rag, their monthly rag-producing costs have dropped by $101,187,000 per month. That's a yearly savings of of over $1.2 Billion USD !!!

  • punkofnice

    Caleb - Warwick, here we come!

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