Do Jehovah's Witnesses REALLY believe that their worldly friends, relatives and small children will be slain in the street by god?

by jambon1 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    The story of Noah's flood gives some indication as to how Jehovah deals with those who refuse to get on his boat.

    I really did believe that all non-JWs would be slaughtered at Armageddon. This would have included tens of millions of Asian children.

    Revelation 14:20, "They were trampled in the winepress outside the city, and blood flowed out of the press, rising as high as the horses' bridles for a distance of 1,600 stadia."

    As a point of contrast, the fate of these non-believers in WT theology is much more kind than the fate offered by many Evangelical and Calvinist denominations: an eternity of pain and torment. Jehovah only wants to slit your throat. Jesus will roast you forever and ever, for all eternity.

    To be fair, however, much of Christendom rejects this view of God. They teach that only those who *want* to go to Hell, will go to Hell.

  • Mr. Falcon
  • fresh prince of ohio
    fresh prince of ohio


    Jw.Org says " NO ", to the question of ," Will only Jw's be saved?"

    Yes, but if you look at the expanded answer, it is full of classic WTS lying lyingass liars double-speak that essentially DOES say that only JWs will be "saved", with a couple of weasel-out-of-it sentences at the very end.

    Here's the expanded answer:

    No. Many millions who lived in centuries past and who weren’t Jehovah’s Witnesses will have an opportunity for salvation. The Bible explains that in God’s promised new world, “ there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. ” ( Acts 24:15 ) Additionally, many now living may yet begin to serve God, and they too will gain salvation. In any case, it’s not our job to judge who will or won’t be saved. That assignment rests squarely in Jesus’ hands.

    Now, in reponse to the first part, when people ask this question of JWs, they're asking about the living, not the dead. So total red herring right off the bat. And by stating that they will have an "opportunity for salvation", they are saying that these resurrected ones will have an opportunity to become JWs. So yes, only the resurrected ones who become JWs will be "saved".

    In response to the second part, if you understand what they mean by "serve god" (of course only JWs serve god acceptably) then what they're saying is, again, Yes, only JWs will be saved.

    God they're such ridiculous bullshitters. Who do they think they're fooling??

  • Pickler

    Yes they do believe this 100% and if you are raised by an uber dub then it is forced on you every day as a child.

    it really messes up your brain, I had constant anxiety as a child. Also, what worldly friends? You don't make friends with people who are dying? You don't even talk to relatives who are worldly, they are dead already also.

    I never understood the glee with which adults used to look forward to this destruction. Now, I think maybe in my area at least a lot of them were people who were failures in the real world & they knew it. Armageddon was like the ultimate revenge fantasy for them, maybe?

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