Do Jehovah's Witnesses REALLY believe that their worldly friends, relatives and small children will be slain in the street by god?

by jambon1 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Yes...they do REALLY believe this. It makes them special and extraordinary. It makes them selfish and self-absorbed. Afterall, how can you really have a meaningful relationship with anyone when you know they don't measure up as well as you do, and they are probably gonna get taken out? That's why everything is so superficial. That's why gossiping is so bad and throwing people under the bus is commonplace.

    I heard it said once, "Being a witness is a selfish thing, you have to ensure your salvation before anyone else's. That's all that matters. It's like when the flight attendant is going over the safety procedures before a flight, "make sure you put your oxygen mask on BEFORE assisting anyone else."

    As for the children? Don't get me started.

  • Shador
    I was out in field service with a couple and I actually heard them playing the "I think I want that house after armageddon"

    I think there's a lot of class hatred among JWs. Remember most JWs come from the underpriviliged of the world, the poor and uneducated. A lot of them can't wait to see those "wicked" rich people get their comeuppance so they can take all their stuff.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Great point from LisaRose (and everyone else, obviously).. Never thought before how insane that sounds.. The landlord would have forced them to move out, to go to another house (or planet, to extend the example to God).. Not go in with a shotgun and blow away the men, women and children. I can't believe how we've all been programmed..

  • HarryMac

    I don't think I ever REALLY believed it, not REALLY.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Separation of Powers said:

    It's like when the flight attendant is going over the safety procedures before a flight, "make sure you put your oxygen mask on BEFORE assisting anyone else."

    However, I should point out that the reason this is done is because parents will tend to help their children put their masks on first before putting on their own. It's natural parental instinct. However, if they do that, they stand a good chance of sufficating before being able to completely help all of their children. Since children can generally go a liitle longer without sufficient oxygen than adults, the advice is given to "put your mask on first before helping others around you".

    (But i do get your point)

  • happy@last

    I had a conversation with a JW relative recently, they said that they believed the bible (though it is the WTBS interpretation really), and I said "If you were born Saudi Arabia you would be saying you believe the Quran"

    The reply was "When Armageddon comes Jehovah can read all honest ones hearts, and many who are not witnesses will be saved."

    Is this a new slant? Or was it just a way to try and get me back? I suspect the latter, but shows that even die hard JWs can't stand to think of billions dying.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    I'd love to hear what your relative would say if you replied: "So adults born in Saudi Arabia might be saved because they haven't had a chance to read the Bible, but babies and little children in (insert non-islamic Country here) will still die at Armageddon?"

  • TotallyADD

    The newer generation of JW may have a big disconnect on this subject. The old timers my dad's generation loved talking about everybody being killed at armageddon. They would get all excited and laugh at how they would die. My generation may have wanted armageddon but would not think about all the dead bodies or get excited about it. But todays JW I think have a hard time dealing with all the people being killed at armageddon. This concept of killing everybody but JW comes from a generation that saw alot of death and hardship from 2 world wars and great depression. We don't see that today. Yes we still have wars and gun shootings but not on the scale the old generation saw. This thinking may be soften even more as time goes on. The hold of being killed at armageddon does not control JW like it used to be. Much like hell fire does not control those in other churches. Totally ADD

  • Zordino

    Totally ADD, thats why they're ratcheting up their push for harding Shunning and more harsher control. Because the Armageddon fear is not as effective as it used to be. Now its, if you don't go to all d meetings and follow the party Line and critisize us, you'll be kicked out of the club and even your family won't speak to you. Its now about Blackmail! I sooo hate this Cult

  • prologos

    Perhaps they never think that they personally would kill babies, friends, although wt taught that the anointed, resurrected all before Armageddon, according to fresh light in July wt, will share in the carnage. immortal as the are from heaven.

    The reason that God's action aginst humane humans is believable to JWs is

    that if he is able to torture them with futile H2H work, dumbed down and boring meetings, rule by wt appointees, ---

    he is able and has shown the willingness to commit the alleged armageddon atrocity.

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