The world WILL end, but not for religious reasons...

by Monsieur 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty
    The last time Earth 'corrected' itself, there was mass extinction. For proof, check out the dinosaur fossil record

    Can you explain more about what you mean by "correct itself"?

    The dinosaur extinction was caused by a random passing meteorite.

  • RayPublisher

    Monsieur you do not give much info or facts to back up this claim- what are you really talking about?

  • Monsieur

    cofty -

    a random passing meteorite is another theory i've often read.

    this program presented scientific evidence that that Earth's temperature was nearing the same numbers that existed right before dinosaurs became extinct.

    who knows, maybe the random meteorite pushed that event over the edge, a spark, so to speak.

    raypublisher -

    we are discussing how it has been scientifically proven that Earth is nearing a critical condition that cannot be sustained. (as in 'the numbers don't lie'). we are using planet Earth more than replenishing it, and it cant go on forever. Many scientists are claiming that we are in fact PRETTY close to reaching that point, the END, when we auto-extinct ourselves...some scientists claim as soon as in the next 50 years or so. There is math and science to back this up, no kidding.

    what is more interesting is that, scientifically/mathematically man can avert this cataclysm, if only it wants to.

    on a side note- it's made me wonder if religion at some point figured out that Earth had gone through 'cataclysmic' changes, did it use this knowledge to instill the fear of 'armaggeddon' in people. An END caused by the hand of God, when in fact, its nature running its course.

    we know religion had a stronghold on science at one point (astronomy and physics for example), what's to say religion did not discover how nature 'restarted' itself every so often and used it to its advantage.

  • RayPublisher

    Monsieur you are saying " it has been scientifically proven that Earth is nearing a critical condition that cannot be sustained" but no evidence, studies, names of scientists, etc is offered.

    I am an optimistic person by nature and unless you can be more spcific then your suppositions on the earth's imminent doom are just that...and remind me of the way the WT says the earth is going down soon too.

  • Monsieur


    except this isn't the watchtower. Google 'Nova Power Surge', this is one of the programs i was referring to. There is PLENTY of scientific evidence presented here.

    I believe an optimistic attitude is important in solving this problem myself. But it is clear 'optimism' alone is not going to take care of it. If you believe what true bonafide provable science is showing us, i think its hard not to at least ponder on these concerns.

    it's possible that you are confusing faith with something more tangible here when you say that 'all this reminds me of the watchtower'.

  • Vidiot

    I eventually started taking that stuff seriously, too, even back when I was an active JW.

    As a matter of fact, at the time I even tried to square it with WT eschatology, but all that did was lead me to the inescapable conclusion that if/when the near-extinction of our species is immenent, your religious affiliation will count for absolutely nothing when shit gets real.

  • WTWizard

    First, the sun is eventually going to blow up. It will expand its size to around the orbit of Jupiter, and eventually go out by throwing out this outer layer. What's left will be a white dwarf, and eventually it will become basically nothing. We have something like 4-5 billion years before that happens, and I don't think we can do a damn thing to stop it.

    The man-made global warming scam is pretty blatant when you look at the fact that Mars and Neptune have also been undergoing global warming. True, there are those who are using the HAARP system to heat up the earth (so they can blame you for using an incandescent light bulb instead of a squiggly thing). But, exercise and gas shortages aside, your driving a SUV is not what's ruining the earth--the globalists are doing that by sending energy into the upper atmosphere to tamper with the weather. (Which wastes more energy than your SUV could ever dream of.) And, could your incandescent lighting possibly be warming Neptune?

    And by the way, all my lights are beyond the squiggly things--I dumped those things for LED lighting last year. And I got significant energy savings--for me, it was around 55 watts saved per bulb. I was surprised--I thought the squiggly things were rated at only 26 watts, and the LEDs at 13 (same light). Something has to be going on with those other 42 watts. What? I do know that my power bills went down about the equivalent of 55 watts per bulb usage, consistently--and I did nothing else to modify my energy usage during that period.

  • Monsieur

    Wizard - 'The man-made global warming scam'

    it's a scam because other planets are experiencing global warming too? I think you miss the point Wizard. If Earth is suppose to experience a rise in temperature naturally, SOMETHING is hurrying this process up. Wether is the suv's we drive or the energy you stated globalists use, its still the human factor.

  • RayPublisher

    Sol going supernova is billions of years away.

    Al Gore said time was running out in his Inconvenient Truth film.

    When I was kid in the late 70s they ran filmstrips about the population explosion and how overpopulation was imminent.

    WT and a thousand other nutty Christian groups holler about the end being anytime also.

    I am very much into the environment and have taken steps in many positive ways such as recycling, using a reusable water bottle, driving an economy car, etc. So should I worry about it anymore? Will I?


    Is the earth gonna implode bc a Nova show says it might?

    I don't think so.

  • slimboyfat

    It would be kinda cool to live to see the end of the world, or at least something apocalyptic. There's a famous quote from Tropic of Capricorn to that effect but I can't find it.

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