My Mom has decided to turn me in... I am not afraid (Letter Inside)

by sosoconfused 82 Replies latest jw experiences

  • *lost*

    wow - Hope your ok.

    You your wife and kids come first.

    The matrix, so true.

  • sosoconfused

    THe amazing thing about this is that this letter is a relief to me. My wife is even happy that now they have to accept the fact that I am not going to be doing this anymore. The lying and forced meeting attendance has been over for a while but the last hurdle is hearing that you will be losing them.

    Like most witness families we never spent much time doing anything besides a family study and field service. We were never close and never had any real bond. So me not speaking to them almost isn't that big of a deal to me at this point. I know that sounds harsh, but it is a fact that I am sure many can understand. I hope others seeing this who will be in my situation can use it as preparation for what is ahead for them. It will help them determine wether they want to completely get out or just hang around.

    The "fade" is no possible for some. For me it wasn't. It had to come to this.

    i am just glad that this hurdle is past

  • whathappened

    Oh my...this letter took her so long to compose, so much time to edit and so many thoughts and feelings to include.

    She does love you. She has drank the koolaid and believes it is for the best. She is hoping this letter will do the trick, bring you back to "Jehovah," ie. Watchtower Society.

    My heart goes out to her and you.

    You must do what is right for your family now. You know this is a dangerous cult that you are leaving. Don't perpetuate the false belief system you were raised with. Don't do this to your child.

    Best wishes to you and your family.

  • watson

    Watchtower writing committee candidate for sure. She's got it DOWN!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    " And <wife> ......what a devastation this will be for her! She's so close to you, as a wife should be. Have you considered how difficult it will become for her? "

    Your mom is as totally clueless about your wife's feelings as she is about everything else.

    " What of your business. Jehovah has even blessed you in a material way but Satan can take all that away in an instant in so many ways. Trust me, it can happen. "

    And she's totally lying here. Jehovah never blessed you in a material way. If what your mom says were true, every JW would be a multi-billionaire.

    And clearly, she has no respect for Jesus' words about not judging others. She ready to play judge, jury, and executioner.

    " If you continue in this way, you will be disfellowshipped!! .... Then you will be disfellowshipped!!! You may even put your dad & I in the position to be the ones to bring it to the attention of the congregation. "

    Do you have nonJW relatives to talk to about your mom's emotional instability because of her religious brainwashing?

  • sosoconfused

    @Billy - you would marvel at the proverbial bubble of my family. My dad has 13 brothers and sisters. I have met two of them. They are both worldly so I only saw them once at a funeral for a guy I called my grandfather that I wasn't allowed to see because he was a baptist... My mom has 4 brothers and all of them are forsaken because they are not witnesses.

    I have literally hundreds of cousins and as you can see 20 plus uncles and aunts. I do not know any of them. When my grandmother was dying we were with her for about 2 months. The only family that we saw was the immediate family. We had no friends and we were not allowed access to our relatives because they are worldly. When my mom went to the hospital she was there a week and had no way to alert her family because no one knew there numbers or where the lives. This witness thing has literally made us a family of hermits. PATHETIC.

    2 yeaars ago my "successful business" was a tool of Satan trying to pull me away from Jehovah. Now its a blessing that Jehovah is going to pull away.

    My dad has assured me he isn't going to the elders... but she sure will because she thinks it is best. LOL

    If iI wanted to call a relativeI have no way of doing so because we don't even know their names. Worse still if I did manage to magically find one they would have no idea who I was or why they should even care

  • flipper

    SOSOCONFUSED- " Sigh " - Good gawd man- was I married to your mom for 19 years until 1998 ? - Because she SURE sounds EXACTLY like my JW ex-wife ! Almost to the T , almost to the letter of how she wrote this letter to you. Amazing.

    I'm so sorry that she is trying to guilt you into going against your conscience. Hey, look- I know your mom loves you- in her own mind controlled way she is doing what she mistakenly thinks is the right thing in pointing you back to the WT organization- but on the flip side of this coin- this woman is SERIOUSLY deluded in her thinking by a manipulative , cunning, deceitful, and inhumane, criminal WT organization. She really is quite naive about the injustices happening within the WT organization regarding child abuse, allowing children to die from blood transfusions, and other injustices some of which affected your decisions I'm sure.

    She loves you- but she is NOT showing the alleged " fruitages of the spirit " of real love, kindness, mildness, self control, or long suffering to you as she is really passive aggressive in her talking DOWN to you in a demeaning manner in a smooth way. By stating that you are being overreached by Satan - how many times did she use THAT one ? And then trying to play your children against you by stating " Those sweet little children...not being helped to learn about their heavenly father and learn to love him and serve him. You are so bound and determined to do things your way ". Translation : You aren't a good enough father to raise your kids with JW ways . Then she sarcastically condemns you about how you view your older brother " your SUPER RIGHTEOUS BROTHER will be devastated. He wants so much for the two of you to have a good relationship. " Then she goes on and on praising your older brothers " good " qualities in order to make you feel even lower.

    I'm sorry- but this woman is a manipulative tool set up by the WT Society to cause divisions between you, your brother, your sister, your own children and even the good relationship you have with your JW dad. Hopefully your great JW dad will see through what your mom is trying to do here and ball up and tell her she is NOT going to affect HIS view of you.

    And some of her quotes make no sense , " Putting our whole self into something without pacing yourself is a FORM OF UNRELIEVED STRESS " . WTF ? You could say the same thing about fanatic JW's who shun their families, kill their children by not giving them blood transfusions, and hide child molesters in the JW organization - or go out in service 70 hours a month on welfare checks to the non- attention of their families.

    " What about wife and children ? Do you not care about them ? " I mean- What a hateful thing to say to you !!! The more I've read this letter the angrier I get. Your mom uses all the tools of a manipulative guilt maker like trying to win an alleged WAR over you , your children, your wife and your life by trying to see if she can make you feel as low as dirt or lower. In a smooth plastic nice way.

    In my opinion- the best ally you have is your wife and children right now. Just stay close to them and they will help you through this with real love. Your mom's mind is gone. She is mentally off due to the WT mindset and cult influence. I would try to reach your dad privately and still continue your relationship with him. He seems real and like he wouldn't allow anything to break your and his relationship. But your mom is cunning. I hope she doesn't influence him and he has enough chitzpah, fortitude, or whatever you call it- to stand up to your mom and call a spade a spade. Time will tell. Please know that we are here for you unconditionally, without reservations and will continue to be here for you always as long as you need us and beyond my friend.

    Please know and realize that I feel you are a GREAT , FANTASTIC father and you have a lot to be proud of in your decisions to save your family to keep thinking free. You NEED to hear this after receiving this letter. And I mean every word I say to you friend. Happy Father's day ! You deserve it for sure ! Take care of yourself, Sincerely, your friend, Mr. Flipper Peace out !

  • LisaRose

    do you really believe the things you expressed? Do you not realize that Jehovah's spirit is working with this organization? How else can almost 8 million people have become worshipers of Jehovah in such a short time if not directed by Jehovah's spirit.

    That is hilarious, doesn't she realize that the dubs are a drop in the bucket when compared to the world's population? They are not even the fastest growing religion, many religions claim to be the fastest growing, it depends on how you measure. A Wikipedia article on the subject didn't even mention Jehovah's Witnesses. Pentecostal is considered by some to be the fastest growing religion worldwide. In Western societies, Buddism is the fastest growing. In the US, Mormon growth rate equals the population growth rate, which is better than any other top ten religion. Islam is the fastest growing religion worldwide by number of new members (not percentage growth rate). Despite the fact that the dubs spend far more hours per individual in proselytizing, they are not a major religion, and never will be at this rate, because so many born ins leave when they become adults. It's ridiculous to use this as indicative of Jehovah's blessing anyway, doesn't the bible say that cramped and narrow is the road leading to salvation and few are the ones who find it? Dubs on the one hand use that scripture to explain their small numbers, but on the other hand brag about how fast they are growing, just one of many contradictory things they say. They also used to say Jehovah is speeding it up in his own time, so I guess he is slowing it down in his own time too, because percentage growth peaked in 1984 at 7 percent, and is now at 2 percent.

  • Bob_NC

    Yep, lovely woman your mom. Too bad about the mind control. May I suggest what worked well for me as I was leaving the Org?

    I was very nice and polite to everyone. I wanted to yell "Don't be freakin moron parroting this nonsense!!" But I didn't say it. Please be as nice as you can muster so as to heap the fiery coals on their heads. They expect us to be vennom spitting vipers. We're not.

  • BluesBrother

    Your mother sounds just like my wife....and all the other loving, well meaning but blinkered women of the WT Society. It pulls on the heart but fails on reason and logic....Stay strong - as Polonius said in Hamlet :

    This above all: to thine own self be true,
    And it must follow, as the night the day,
    Thou canst not then be false to any man.

    Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!

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