Newbie: Well I've been lurking enough and thought I should say hello.

by Adventurousone 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Adventurousone

    I really like this site and some of the comments I've read. I was in the organization for 31 years and now I'm free!

    Recently left the organization and am trying to rebuild my life. Thankfully I have my husband to thank for helping me break free because he checked out a few years ago, but he still came to the meetings every now and then to support me.

    This site makes me feel very free and no longer confined to a bubble. There seems to be some great people here and alot of help and support.

  • baltar447

    Congrats on you guys' escape. and Welcome!

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Yes, enjoy life! Welcome. Here is a place of love and support. I don't know what I'd've done without it.

  • wasblind


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    AdventoursOne, Hello and Welcome to freedom, for the rest of your life. All of us are very brave, to buck the system, to rid ourselves of the mind control.

    I am so happy that you and your beloved husband can enjoy the rest of your live's, doing what you want to do, being honest and happy with each other.

    Congratulations for making it out.

    Just Lois...not a Watch Tower drone anymore.

  • obfuscatetheobvious
  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome Adventureousone , I hope that you and your husband spend many happy years together enjoying life and free of the WTBTS.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • fresh prince of ohio
    fresh prince of ohio

    Welcome. What a great feeling it is to realize that it's not you - it's them.

  • Bob_NC

    It is so nice to hear each time someone breaks free. And glad to hear that you and your husband can enjoy being yourseleves together without living the WT life.

    What finally broke through to you? What is the spirit among the "brothers and sisters" nowadays? Is there still enthusiasm and true belief in the org?

  • flipper

    ADVENTOUROUSONE- Welcome to freedom of mind and open expression ! I'm very happy for you that you joined your husband in exiting the JW organization. A decision you won't regret. You are among friends here. Take care

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