Should all elders be painted with the same brush?

by Socrateswannabe 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Socrateswannabe

    Thanks Pickler and Blondie. The sinking ship analogy is a good one, Blondie. The only reason why it is not a perfect analogy is because with a sinking ship, the only option is get off or die. In JW land, my wife and children will certainly not lead as full a life as they would if they learned TTATT and if we all left as a family, but they will not die as a result of staying. I can say that because I have already made up my mind that if a blood transfusion is ever an issue with any of my family, that is where I will draw the line. I will do whatever is necessary to preserve their lives, even if it means getting myself DFed for it. So you can imagine that I am hoping mightily that none of them ever get into that situation.

    Regarding child molestation, fortunately I have never had to be involved in a case. Since being appointed, our congregation has not had to deal with that issue. Before Candace Conti, I have to admit that I had not given it much thought. I simply viewed it as tragic but didn't face the fact that I could have to deal with it some day. Since Candace, however, I have thought about it more. I have already stated that I always lobby for mercy in a judicial situation but that is the one area that I would never be satisfied for anything less than DFing, not because I think it would do the perpetrator any spiritual good by being disciplined, but because it is one way to get the offender away from our kids. I don't care what the WTS says, no elder should counsel a victim or their family against informing the police. If the family chooses not to, I don't know what I would do but I have told other elders in my congregation that my conscience would not allow me to remain silent and that I would have to report if no one else does. So far I haven't gotten any blowback from that.

    None of this is ideal, that's for sure. But I don't have any better answers at this point.

  • RubaDub

    Yes, paint them with the same brush.

    Some should be painted with love and kindness.

    Others should be painted with a 2-part epoxy.

    Rub a Dub

  • Fernando

    Thank you for taking the time to help us see another side to the problem Socrateswannabe.

    While it may be wrong, it is possibly understandable that someone would paint all elders with the same brush after a particularly bad experience which is seemingly supported by the entire elder body and the entire chain of command to the very top.

    Our family was fortunate to study the "full Good News" or "unabridged gospel" together, from the Watchtower library, for three-and-a-half years before walking out together in unison. We had come to love the "full Good News". When confronted by the elders' previously hidden hatred, fear and contempt for the "full Good News" it was simultaneously obvious to all of us that we no longer belonged.

    I pray for an awakening and solution for your family, and thank you for being a lone voice for mercy during the Star Chamber Judging Committee hearings.

    Greetings, blessings, peace and love to you and yours


    South East Queensland, Australia

    (Why does the "true religion" secretly blind its followers to the "Good News" according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)

    (Why do followers of the Watchtower religion call themselves “publishers of the Good News” whilst unfamiliar with the “Good News” according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)

  • PaintedToeNail

    Socrates-Have you thought about doing independent Critical Thinking skills with your kids? I got some books on Amazon on the subject. My kids LOVE doing them. For younger kids, there are a lot of compare and contrast things, why things are similar and so on. They ones for older kids really make you think and understand and recognize different kinds of statements and situations, i.e., sweeping generalization statements. My teenage son likes to do these more difficult ones, but my middle pre-teen races into the room whenever we do them, because she finds them fascinating. They are able to listen to commercials on TV and radio and see how ridiculous the claims being made are and often they comment on them. It has carried over to what they are hearing at the Hall, they come home and tell me about the incongrueties in the message.

    You could tell your wife that you just want to make sure that your kids are aware of crazy advertising claims, and statements made on the internet, so they won't be fooled and will become better consumers. Your wife could even help you to educate your kids to become better consumers. She will learn a lot.

  • Socrateswannabe

    Painted ToeNail, I am very interested in that. Would you give me the title of any of these books? I would really like to pursue it. Thank you!

  • PaintedToeNail

    Socrates-For the littler kids I used 'Blast of with Logic' series, they have three workbooks designed for grades 3-4 (Logic Coundown), grades 4-6 (Logic Liftoff), and grades 5-7 (Orbiting with Logic).

    The book "Critical Thinking", by Anita Harnadek, is the one I use with my oldest teenager, it requires that you (or your wife) do it with the child. Harnadek uses real life situations, articles from newspapers and so on, for evaluation. This book had a lot of discussions with the child in it and is a very enjoyable book.

  • Socrateswannabe

    Thank you Painted ToeNail!


    Welcome to my situation. Work on your wife, thats key. I have been trying to swing her around but we're both born ins.....its going to be an uphill battle.

  • PaintedToeNail

    Socrates-I forgot to mention, the Harnadek book helps you identify propaganda techniques, common errors in reasoning, logic, critical thinking, and how to be open minded. So many of the things that the WTBTS doesn't want you to understand are in this book.

  • Socrateswannabe

    XBEHERE, I feel your pain, truly.

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